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Wahhhhhhhh! An ear spitting cry from the new born baby resound the room.

"Ahhhhhh..shxt..what is hurts" I curse loudly without any restrain..

"Ma'am calm down..just 3 more babies to go" a strange white rob person reassured.

"Wait..who are you?..and what the fxck is this..My vagina it''s...destroyed!?"

Shocked at my sudden question,the white rob person suddenly look at the others who I didn't notice earlier and after a second,they nod like having a sudden understanding.

"Ma'am your currently giving birth to Quadruplets" the other guy said.

"Birth?..Quadruplets?" I spoke with conflict.Could it be that I died and reincarnate with this persons body?

"Yes ma' we need to hurry.We can't drag this further or the babies would be in great danger"

With no choice,I inhale deeply;I started to pushing out just as what I have instructed..Ahhh..fxck..How did this happen..I'm a freaking virgin and now I'm having a big baby head out of me..

"Ahhhhhhhhh" I screamed without constrain as sweat pour out of my body.

"Owahhhhhhhhhh"my second child..It continued until the third child but the fourth baby was in difficult situation.

The umbilical cord was wrap around its neck as he choke.

The nurse where in great state of panic and so was I..I felt fear

..I don't know this kids but I don't want them to die

...I...I cried..Please!Please!wake up.I prayed repeatedly as the doctor gave my baby air and continuously compress his chests...

Beep..beeeeeppp..No!Noooooo! This can't be.He can't die..

"Save him Doc..Save the baby" I shouted with great effort.

The doctors keep on pumping and it's been 5 minutes,a few of them gave up and just stand at the side while one doctor keeps going on..

Im in state of extreme fear..this sudden emotion is killing me...But I didn't look at the other nurses face because I know it's hopeless....the last doctor stop his movements and look at the clock seemingly let the god of death take my son.

In anger,fear and desperateness,I grab the scalpel and pointed at the doctor with my face filled with madness.
"Save my child!Now!" I coldly ordered with threat.

The people inside the room was shocked and tried to take away the knife but I fought hard forcing them to save my 4th baby.

Exasperated the doctors and nurses,tried once more and only after a minute of trying again and again and again..

My...My baby..finally safe.

Due to extreme stress and recent childbirth,I collapse in the operation bed.Closing my eyes for a minute before demanding them to put my baby on top of my chests.

Intense as fxck but..4 of them..My little sons..I..I finally feel the warmth that I've been yearning for..A mother..that's what I've become and I'm going to be the best one..

With that promise,I fell asleep and woke up 2 days after the incident.

I name my first son Arthur Red,my second son is Ethan Red while my third is called Cole Red as for my little fourth son. Baby Hale Red.

It's strange yet
I feel contented and whole
I am intact once again
I feel love
And I love them with every part of me
and although I know that
The journey of being a mother is full of hardship
I will fight to keep this family
Safe and happy.
Even if it means giving my life.
No one should harm my little sons while
I'm still alive and kicking..No!Even if I die.

To be continued..
This story is full of fluffiness and long childhood chapters so It's up to yooo~

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