Little Fella

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Crimson POV:

      Entering the house,My cute little buns are nowhere to be seen,its expected since Im a day earlier than planned.

"Lucky" I thought while proceeding to sneak out of the living area for I know my cute little babies would be shocked.

Well,I didn't get to clean myself so Im pretty covered up with fake blood and stinky metallic smell.

To say,I looked like a devastated crazy woman who's about to die any moment...

*pack* I cautiously step on the floor little by little until I could view the second floor. Overjoyed I continued my movements  however,it seems that my attempts are futile as I've grown confident of escaping my sons punishment,my feet accidentally step on a squishy toy thus producing a mushy noice...

"Shxt" I cursed while hastily ordering my brain to looked for a reasonable reason in pursuit of  avoid  from my sons or maybe a wonderful  gift in exchange....

*bark* *bark* *bark* Huh? Looking down with my movable eyeballs,I saw a lump low slung Dog with voluminous shoulder and chest with hulking limbs supporting its massive and square muzzled head.He looked.....idk..but still I froze in confusion.....How the hell did this dog get inside my house?...

1..2..3..AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH......I finally shouted..Heck,I hate dogs...Once I was happily playing with a little pup but onky after a minute of fun I was suddenly attacked and bitten by its mother and God,I swear!The dog had this  increasingly dangerous red eyes..THE EVILEST CREATURE EVER!!!! I didn't even do anything at that time...

(Untamed mouth: The pup she was playing with was new born🤣)

*Bark* *bark* *bark* The sluggish dog run towards me in glee???????????

Long story short,me and this dog beside me run around the house for 30 minutes before my sons caught the dog.

"My little buns,Where did this dog pop out from?and why is it here?What is its purpose?When did you bought it in the house?Answer!" I strictly ordered for the first time resulting to a huge chaos...

My Arthur is crying,Cole is slapping Ethan's shoulder saying "Its your fault" My little man Ethan also drawn out his hand to fight back "Its not my fault" He corrected.While Hale just stood there shivering...

After a minute,I compromised while widening my arms for a hug.

*sign* Shhhhhh,its okay,Im sorry for over reacting"

I shouldn't have done that after all even if they are mentally matured theres no denying that my little sons are still 3 and almost 4 years old besides children their age would probably do much worst than bringing a pet..

"Mommmyyyyy!" The four of them ran in my embrace....

"Did you miss me my babies?" I asked even if I've already known their  answers.

They shyly nod in response,finding it amusing  I kissed their little heads while inserting the matter of their long awaited  souvenirs..

"My cute little buns,Mommy has bought your souvenirs but its more like properties and all"

"Reallyyy mommy?" My busy bee asked in excitement.

"Hmnnnn,I've also transfer my "Day dream villa to you,my baby" I respond while tapping his small nose (Cole)

"Thank you Mommy" The four of them said in sink...Cute ♡

"Okay now,back to where we are,who is this weird asx dog you've bought here?"

"Mommy,George is not weird,he's a bulldog and super adorable" (Hale)

I was shocked at my babies sudden statement before assuming for the worst.

"Sonnnn" I bow down up to his head I cried while hugging him once again..

"My little pudding has eye sight problem,This is what I've told you,your using your phone 24/7" I cried while lecturing him in overusing his phone..

"Ehhhhhh-mommy,George is cute" (Ethan)

"My god!!!Two of my son's are also blind by th-THIS creature....You monster what did you do to my son?Son are you having eye problem too?" I asked back in forth full of worry for my little buns health and pointing my hand full of  blaming to the  dog who's name is Ge-George....

"Mommy,George really is cute and friendly too" This time my little bear retorted.

"My babies have you seen this fella's face..He looked like a plain lecher asking me to date him.If I wanted to be his lover!!" I exclaimed.

How can they not see through this George the bull dog.Hes clearly surrounded with playboy aura..

"Huh?" The four of them once again replied in sink with confusion.

In Crimson's view:(pfffftt-)

What George actually looked like:

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What George actually looked like:

What George actually looked like:

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To be continued

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To be continued....

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