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The comforter was sprawled around me and opened textbooks were laid on my lap, while my eyes became weary. My brown curls were tied up into a bun and my sweatpants were now a week unwashed with small stains of food on them. The lines in the textbook became blurry with each yawn I took until my whole body fell flat on my pillows. They felt like clouds against my aching muscles- while I felt my eyelids slowly shut.

"Davina wake up", calls my mother before bursting into my room. My eyes instantly snapped open as I watched her come and place a tray of pancakes on my desk. I let out a loud groan as I flipped over and felt the sunshine gleam down into my eyes. "Jeez, Davina. Have you been studying all night?"

I let out a nod as I pushed myself up and placed my back against the headboard. My mother took a seat on the corner of the bed. Her blonde waves bouncing while she moved them behind her face. "Davina you have to stop pushing yourself so much."

"You don't get it mom", I mumbled before she gave me a small smile.

"Your father is already proud of you. You don't need to prove to him anything."

I scoff and roll my eyes, "Father has never once been proud of me. He treats me like I'm some filthy animal. I just need to prove to him that I can do this. That I can be the daughter he's always wanted." I let out a breath as I stared out the window, "then maybe I'll believe he's proud of me."

My mother rubbed my hand before standing up and walking out. She didn't disagree with me because she knew it was true. My father didn't even love me enough to call me when he was away on his work trips. Instead, he'd look at me before leaving and give me a small nod as if I was one of his guests. He never showed me affection that a daughter should get from her father. Instead, he pointed out all of my mistakes and wrongs instead of the good.

My eyes became teary the more I thought about it before I quickly blink them away and walk over to my desk. The pancakes were plated neatly with a cup of orange juice sitting on the tray. I felt my stomach get nauseous when I looked at it, so instead, I pushed it away and sat right back on my bed.

I inhaled deeply before wrapping the pencil in my hand - until a cramping pain sho0ts up through my veins. I let out a groan as I released the pencil and decided to read instead of write notes. I skimmed over the parts I already read to my latest spot and began reading.

About 20 minutes had past and I wasn't even comprehending what I was reading. I got up and walked over to my closet, grabbing a sundress and changing into it. The thin material hit just at my mid-thigh and fitted snug at the top. I placed some perfume on and redid my bun- changing it into a ponytail. My laptop was stuffed into my bag as I began walking outside and into the warm air.

The streets were busy as I was walking. Adults flying by and shoving people as they tried to make their way to work. I, however, walked slowly and admired the beautiful city I grew up in. New York was always lovely. I mean the people were rude half the time, but the way the city looked- I could never get bored living here.

A Café was sitting on the side where a bunch of people walked in and came out with drinks and pastries. There were seats outside that were viewed through the glass windows of the shop. I took a seat in one of them and felt the slow air breeze fan my face, before taking out my laptop.

"What would you like dear", the red-headed woman said. She held a small notebook in her hand, while she stared at me with a comforting smile.

"Just a black coffee please." She nods before going back into the shop.

The screen soon became filled with open tabs of every note I took to prepare for my exam. My fingers began typing on the keyboard as I organized my document in neat order.

I slowly leaned back in my chair as my eyes scanned the engaged road. Men, women, and children were all running down the sidewalks and in front of the traffic. I inhaled deeply and let the raw air fill my lungs, while my eyes closed steadily. I peeled them back open and looked across the street. A man with dull, forest green hues locked into my brown ones. His muscular figure standing sharp and chiseled, wearing nothing but a black suit. He moved swiftly in the crowd, before turning the corner and never looking back.

I could've sworn the man was holding- what seemed like a camera.

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