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"Dinner was great", I look across the table and lock eyes with Matteo. He leans on his forearms- against the granite- forcing a nod.

I quickly stand up before he can stop me, grabbing everyone's dirty dishes. I move around the breakfast nook and set the dishes in the sink. Hot water sprays from the faucet and wipes away any extra food left on the white ceramic.

My mind wanders to my father. Due to the fact he's back in the house, there's no way I can sleep under that fucking roof. My skin crawls thinking about hearing my mother's cries for help in the middle of the night. Seeing the bruises left on her face when she comes into my room to tell me how sorry she is. The thought of going home makes my stomach turn and bile rise to the back of my throat.

My phone goes off and I snap out of my thoughts- shutting off the water.

Incoming call: Eli

I pick up the smartphone and make my way out into the lobby for some privacy. Also considering the boys speak like they're 50ft away.

"Hey", I say into the speakerphone. Dramatic sighs fill my ear and I feel my lips move into a grin.

"My day has been shitty and I need some bestie time", he whines and I feel a giggle escape my throat. "Are you busy?"

"No not really", I sigh and debate if I should ask him or not. I chew on the inside of my cheek and look at the modest blue carpet. "Can I ask you a favor?"

"Yeah sure."

"My uh, dad is back for a couple of weeks", I release and run my fingers against the smooth, white walls. The icy temperature of it breaks my finger from contact. " And I don't wanna stay there until he leaves."

"Girl you know your welcome to stay with me", he points it out and I feel a weight lifted off my chest.

"Thank you, E", I smile and hear the door unlock. I whip around and find Andrea rushing towards me with a big smile plastered on his baby face.

"We're gonna go riding wanna come?"

I furrow my brows and pull the phone away from my lips. "Riding?"

"Like on motorcycles duh", he says it like it's obvious.  I feel unease roll through my stomach until I hear Eli's voice ringing in my ear.

"Can I come?!"

"Can my friend come?" I look up at Andrea and see him raise an eyebrow at me. He pursed his lips and looked at me skeptically. "And who may be this friend?"

"You mean best friend bitch", I hear Eli cut in and I suppress a giggle.

"You can meet him if you let him come with us", I edge on and see Andrea let out a sigh and mumble fine.

I hear Eli squeal and immediately ask me to send the address.

I walk inside the bedroom and try to find a change of clothes when I catch Matteo leaning in the door frame. His muscles flexed across his chest as he stared at me. I feel my cheeks begin to tint, but I try to ignore it and pull an outfit out of my bag.

DAGGER IN THE HEARTTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang