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I wandered over to where Andrea sat at the bar- a drink in his hand while he laughed at the bartender.

"Awe it's my best bud", he grins when I take a seat next to him. The bartender sends me a look that tells me he's had more than one glass of tequila.

"You look like you having fun", I say and take a sip of the champagne still in my grip.

When I glanced over to where I left the man and Matteo, they both were gone.

"So fun", he mumbles and rests his chin in the palm of his hand.

"Do you wanna go for a walk?" I ask.

"Why not", Andrea shrugs and puts the glass down. Standing up from our seats, he hands me his jacket to pull on over my shoulders and I send him a smile in return.

As we step outside, passing the people making their way into the house- cold air fans my face, and both of us sober up a little.

Walking down the gate a security guard stands tall and gazes over me and Andrea. "Name and group?"

"Andrea Luciano, Vipers", he says and I furrow my brows at the whole group thing.

"Your good", the man nods and the black gate opens up.

"Tell me something?" Andrea says while I look up at the sky and hear the bottom of my heels click against the cement.

"Anything", I reply.

"Do you find it weird that", he starts and lets out a sigh? I nudge his shoulder to keep going. "That the three of us came into your life, and now you stuck learning how to kill someone with knives and coming to balls that look like the Royal kingdom."

I let out a small laugh and watch him grin. I've never really thought about that. How weird it is that I met a man who was determined to win me and then show me new things that normal people didn't do.

Yes maybe I'm skeptical of it, but I think one reason I've fallen deep for him was because of the crazy things he's shown me.

Letting out a deep breath I stared at the stars and nibbled on my lip. "I think any sane person would find this weird, but I've never been more grateful for my three idiots to walk into my life and show me everything I'd never experience without you's."

"No matter what happens in the end, I love you, little sis."

"In the end?"

"Just a little saying in my family", he shrugs it off and I smile so bright my cheeks ache.

"Well then", I say and stop walking. "No matter what happens in the end, I love you, big brother."

I pull him into a tight hug and feel his hands wrap around my upper back.

When we pull away a sad smile hovers on his facial features, but he quickly changes it into a smile.


Walking back through the gate, Andrea states his name and group before we walk back into the house.

But now no one was lingering outside or gathering around the windows. The whole place was empty when I looked around and saw the servers heading out in the yard.

I and Andrea followed them, but when I found everyone hurdled around the patio, my throat turned dry.

Matteo and his father stood tall, while the auburn-haired man I threatened, was sitting in a wooden chair with blood pulling from his mouth.

His eye was swollen shut and small pleas came from the bruised lips.

I swallowed a gasp and saw Luca grin at his son before turning to the mic.

"As most of you know, with each ball I host I like to choose one person from the crowd and give them a prize."

"My son has decided to take over and picked someone out for himself", he smiles proudly and pats Matteo's shoulder. "My son will do the honors of putting a bullet through this man's head."

"Davina come on I'll take you home", Andrea tugs on my arm, and I flinch away, never taking my eyes off of Matteo.

He can't see me in the crowd, by the way, I'm standing near the doors and the lights dim low on the sides.

"Please son", Luca lays a hand out toward the guy and gives Matteo the right away.

Before the gun is placed in Matteo's hand he leans down and meets the man's eyes. "This is for touching my girl."

And then a bullet is fired in his stomach, but somehow he manages to stay upright.

"WHAT DID YOU DO", I let out a scream and everyone's attention is turned to me.

Tears stream down my face as I watch two men carry the dead body and clean up the spilled blood.

Matteo's eyes meet mine before I'm rushing through the house and out the front door.

Lifting the sides of my dress, I make my way down the gate and give the guy Andreas' name and group.

"Davina!" I hear a yell behind me, but I keep walking forward and down the road.

Sobs escape my lips as I feel my chest throb with hurt.

He killed a man.

He put a bullet through someone like it was so easy.

My head spins and I have to stop walking to calm myself down. My mascara is most definitely smeared under my eyes when I run my fingers through my hair and try to calm down.

An arm curves around my waist and I jump back. Matteo is standing in front of me- with his lips turned down.

"GET AWAY FROM ME!" I scream and push him so hard he stumbles back in surprise. All the air in my lungs has dissolved when I repeat the scene in my head.

He killed someone.

"Baby please just let me explain", he says and tries to come closer but I push a hand out to stop him.

"You just killed someone", I breathe through tears and grip the strands of my hair.

"W-what is this?" I ask and look at him.

"Davina please-"


After a couple of seconds of him trying to find words he lets out a sigh and looks at the group. "I work in the mafia."

I laugh.

I laugh so hard I think my head will fall off because thinking of him.... him in the mafia, where he kills people and does all kinds of illegal shit makes me wanna curl up and cry.

I wanna cry because this man who I've trusted and started to fall in love with was a murderous, cold-hearted person.

"I just wanna go home", I whisper after minutes of silence.

I clear my throat and wipe away the dried tears. "Take me to Eli's", I spit out and walk past him.

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