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The red stain was now steadily leaving and my brown hues were now set back with adrenaline and amusement. The black bags that were sunken under my eyes were now rising and turning back to my olive tone. My sleep hours were now increasing as well as my appetite that was gone before.

The exams were finally over. Which meant I could either stress on my scores or I can go and enjoy life until they come back.

The hot water sprayed down like tiny streams and soothed my tensed muscles that contracted under my burning flesh. My eyes closed slowly-drowning in the water.

I wish I could say that I'm excited about college, or that I'm proud of myself for getting this far. But in all reality I'm exhausted. I'm exhausted from fighting a battle with myself even though I end up getting shot and left on the field with no one to come help me. I wish for once I could hear a simple 'I'm proud of you Davina', but it never comes out of anyone's mouth.

All this waiting and efforts I make to please my father are nothing, but a small meaning to him. Because that's exactly what I am to him. A small meaning.

I grabbed a towel and wrapped it around my body-stepping out of the shower. My feet dragged along the tiled floor and into my bedroom where my phone went off.

I walk over to my bed and threw myself on it with a sigh escaping my lips. I grab my phone from under the comforter and see a message from my one and only friend, Eli.

Wanna do lunch?

Sure, what place?

There's a bar and grill next to Target. I'll be ready in 10.

Ok, sounds good

See you there hoe ;)

Yeah, whatever 🙄

I grin at his message before getting up and walking over to my closet.

Eli is my only friend... literally. We've been best friends since middle school and we both clicked as soon as we first met. He told me he was gay when he turned 15, which I guessed considering he drooled over James Kindley in the 5th grade and never once looked at the 'popular' girls lunch table.

I suppose he was the only first real person who understood me at the time. But sometimes I think he'll be the only person who understands me. Because who else would? Not my father that's for sure.

I pulled on a pair of shorts and a t-shirt on , before grabbing my bag and walking down the stairs.

My mother sat at the breakfast nook and sipped on her red wine slowly. Her red lipstick leaving a mark on the glass cup.

Her head slowly turned towards me and gave me a small smile. "Where must you be going dear?"

"Lunch with Eli", I said with my eyes trained as her fingers tightened around the wineglass. Her smile slowly faded and was replaced with a fake one.

"Oh. You still speak to that-, she couldn't even finish her sentence before I chimed in.

"For the love of God mom will you just get over it!"

"Well dear, he's just not... you know."

My mother secretly despises Eli. Well, I guess I shouldn't say secretly because it's really obvious. And it wasn't because he was gay. It was more of the fact she walked in on him with another guy doing... stuff, one night. She never looked at him the same after that, but honestly, when I found out I laughed at the whole thing.

"I'm leaving now", I calmly said. She rolled her eyes a bit before nodding and turning back to her cherry, red wine and swirling it around in the cup.

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