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My eyes are practically bulging out of their sockets when I look at my father up and down. Blood bubbles out of his mouth and his left eye is swollen shut.

"Davina", he whispers and squints his eyes through the bright lights. Bile rises to my throat, but I quickly swallow it and turn my attention back to Luca.

"What is this", I grit out and fight against Matteo's arm. Luca grins and pulls an envelope out of his suit pocket.

He opens the letter and clears his throat, "As you all may know, I have decided to choose tonight's theme. Apart from this, I have selected two guests to keep my mafia blood entertained. It would be my great honor, if guest number two, Davina Blackwell, came upon the stage and kill guest number one, Francis Blackwell."

My throat goes dry, as I glance at my father again.

Stay strong, Davina.

Ripping Matteo's arm off of me, I walk up to the stage and see the gold glitter crunch under my heels. "You want me to kill my father, just so it can give you all pleasure?" I spit out and stare up at him.

"Your father has done numerous things to my family", he snarls. "You killing him, would make it halfway even."

"Halfway? And what's the other half?"

His eyes turn into amusement as he glances at someone in the crowd. "That will just have to wait a bit won't it?"

"NOW!" He demands and turns to my father. "Kill him or I will make sure that mother of yours doesn't have a hand anymore."

Luca slips off the stage into the darkness, like the monster he is.

Turning around, I lock eyes with my dad and see his hands tied behind the chair, with the rope soaked in blood.

"Davina", he whimpers and lowers his head. "My little girl", he keeps repeating over and over again but refuses to look me in the eye.

Tears soon pool and a sob is lodged in my throat. Stepping closer, I kneel and did my head so he looks at me.

"Why did you do it?"

His body goes rigid and I'm doing everything I can not fall on the floor and sob.

"Why did you beat your child!" I scream in his face. I search his face, anything for an apology or an excuse.

Tears flow down my cheek, most likely ruining my mascara, but I don't give a damn right now.

"I was six", I cry out and grip his jaw. "How could you do that to me."

"I'm so sorry", he says and looks around the room frantically. "I was drunk and I-"

I slap him across the face and feel my palm burn. His eye goes wide and looks at me like I'm a new person then when I was a little girl he bent over a table and whipped me with a belt.

"I hate you", I whisper. "But no matter how much I hate you, I love you too much to not wanna hurt you."

"Please", he begs, and tears follow down his face like little rivers. "Please don't do this."

Slipping my hand down to my thigh, I unsheathe the dagger and slip it into my palm.

My shoulders shake, and I try my best to keep myself composed.

I clear my throat and look over to the darkness. "Is this fucking fun for you!" I bite out and see his face come out.

"More than fun, sweetheart", Luca beams.

I stand there and just look at my broken father. The people waiting in the crowds and the dagger that lays flat against my hand.

I'm not doing this.

"Fuck you", I snarl and grip the dagger so hard I feel my skin break. "You can take this twisted fantasy of yours and shove it up to your ass."

I move behind my Dad, removing the bloody ropes and seeing wounds circle his wrists.

"STOP", my voice erupts from the crowd and I freeze.

Andrea comes up on the stage and takes my hands in his. "Look at me", he begs and I try to ignore all the whispers dancing across the room.

"I know this is fucked up, but you don't have another choice", he pleads and grips my hands. "If you don't kill him, he will do much worse than just this. Think about your mom."

I glance down at him and nod my head until I feel myself get dizzy.

Andrea lets go of my hands and stands next to me when I bring the dagger up to my father's throat and let out a quiet sob.

"I'm so sorry dad."

And then just as I apply pressure a laugh erupts from the crowd and I whip my head.

"Wow", Luca says shocked and claps. "I didn't think you would do it."

Taking a step backward, I watch Andrea furrow his brows and put a hand on the small of my back.

"Did you see that Francis?" He laughs and shakes his head. "Your daughter was gonna kill you."

My father hardens his jaw and looks at the ground.

"You're in luck sweet pea", he says and looks up at me. "You can go home now and I'll make sure your daddy gets cleaned up."


"I gave my audience a show. That's all I wanted for tonight, and I much rather not clean up any blood. I'm very tired."

"Fuck you", I whisper and make my way off the stage with Andrea following me.

Matteo pulls me against him and walks us out into the car, where I cry into his chest and try to get through a panic attack.


"Hey", Matteo kisses my head and sets down a cup of coffee next to the bed. "How'd you sleep?"

"Fine", I mumble and sit up, grabbing the cup and taking a sip.

I look down at my baggy t-shirt and panties, before furrowing my brows and seeing my heels sitting over in the corner.

"You fell asleep in the car, so when we came home I dressed you," Matteo says and I give him a thankful smile.

"I probably look like shit", I laugh and run my hands through my hair, but it wasn't as knotted as I would think.

"Oh yeah, I combed your hair and used a makeup wipe to remove the stuff off your face."

Setting down my coffee, I get on top of Matteo's lap and kiss him. "Your so sweet to me", I mumble against his neck and relax when he runs a hand up my back.

"Do you wanna talk about it?"

"No", I say and wrap my hands around his neck. "Not ever."

"Ok", he softly says and kisses my forehead. "But come on you smell and need a shower."

I laugh and scoot off of him. "I don't smell that bad."

"Oh yes", he nods his head and we walk into the bathroom. "You do."


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