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My fingers curl around the steering wheel, causing the tips of my knuckles to turn white. The pavement beneath the rubber, slick and silky as my car moves forward.

Last night I got a phone call from my father, saying he has arrived in New York and wants to meet. It's some fucking update on my progress with Davina.

God, I fucking miss her.

It's been two days since I dropped her off and she didn't even have the decency to answer my phone call later that night.

I miss her smile.

"Asshole move up!" I hear a voice growl from behind my car. I turn my head to look through the side mirror and watch as he sticks his head out.

"Tell me that one more time oldie and I'll take my fist and shove it so far up your ass you can taste it."

The fucking idiot cocks his head back in his car and swerves into a different lane.

I turn my car into the parking lot before stepping outside and shutting my car door.

The building was nothing but glass windows, overlooking the city. It's a tall frame wrapped in modern greys and matte white.

I open the glass doors and move out of the way as a woman enters before me and sends me a wink.

Fucking weirdo.

I make my way out of the elevator and stop once I reach my father's door. Mumbles stir through the room as I take a deep breath and turn the knob.

My father sits in a leather chair and stacks of paper sit on the charcoal, stained desk. His brows furrowed as he wrote something along with the paper and then moved to the next.

He peered up through his lashes and cleared his throat. "Good to see you, son."

"I doubt that", I mumble and take a seat right across from him. I peer over his shoulder and watch through the windows, cars flying by and stopping occasionally. "What is it you'd like to talk about, father?" I roll my eyes and fold my hands against my chest.

He leans back against the chair and clucks his tongue off the top of his mouth. " I need to make sure you're doing your job."

"So for me to do that", he sighs and cocks his head to the side. "I've asked our family friends to stay with you until you're done."

I roll my tongue against my cheek and bite down on my lip. "And who the fuck is coming to watch me like some toddler?"

I heard the door swing open and I whipped my head to the side.

Andrea comes in first. A big grin plastered onto his baby face and practically reached his eyes. "Miss me?"

I hold back a laugh and shake my head, "nope."

"Oh please, we both know you did."

"Will you two shut the fuck up", I heard Carter pant and place both hands on his knees.

"What's wrong with you?" Andrea asks and leans against the thin wall.

"You grabbed my phone and made me chase after you", he scoffs. Andrea sends a cocky grin my way and turns his head back to Carter.

"I have no clue what you're talking about man."

"Both of you sit down", my father cuts in. They both slump in the chairs next to me and rip up little pieces of paper in their hands.

"They're watching me?" I scoff and see Andrea pass Carter a note like we're in middle school.

"Yes", he dismisses me with a wave and leans forward across the desk. "There's also something else I wanted to discuss."

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