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I turned my head and caught a glimpse of the waiter holding a black try of (what seemed) like our food. Her eyes met mine and a smile spread across her face as she came closer and placed the food in front of us. "Do you guys need anything else?"

"No, we're good. Thank you", I spoke as I reached for a fork. She gave a tight nod before walking back into the sliding doors, grabbing another order.

"How'd the exams go?" Eli asked as he popped a french fry in his mouth and looked up at me.

What I wanted to say was it went horribly. Because every waking hour I sat with my back crooked and hand cramped until I couldn't hold myself up anymore. That I had to see a chiropractor because there were so many knots buried under my skin. But instead of speaking about my months of exhaustion, I just smiled.

"I think I nailed them."

"I don't know how you do it, D." He took a sip of his water and quickly added, "I mean shit, girl. I can barely get up and walk my ass through the dreaded high school doors, and to think you put all your energy and time into something I could care less about is crazy."

"You do know that your not completely stupid right? I mean come on, you're brilliant in the law department, E. Why don't you apply to colleges and put your mind to it? It's impossible if you make it", I sighed.

He shook his head and scarfed down a bite of the burger. "I don't have the money, Davina. My moms working her ass off to just pay the bills. And even if I did have the money, I don't care about college or a degree."

"I can't argue with you anymore", I replied.

By the time we finished, I had downed 3 iced teas and my bladder was on the verge of exploding. My legs squirmed and I crossed them tightly together, while Eli went on about some boy he met yesterday.

"I'm sorry, but I need to pee", I spoke and I rushed to the restroom and left my bag behind me.

On my way out of the bathroom, I ran into something.

Or maybe someone.

My hands press against a rock-hard torso that was buried under a black button-up. A big pair of hands go straight to my waist and catch my fall.

"I'm so sorry", I quickly said and felt my eyes travel all around this man's body.

"Watch where you're going", a deep voice growled.

I knew that voice.

I swore I heard it before.

I look up and of course, grey hues are glaring back down at me. I felt myself turn to jello as his eyes traveled up and down my figure before releasing me from his grab.

"You're that snob who ran into me", he dryly spoke.

"I'm not a snob."

His lips slowly turned into a smirk that almost made me get on my knees for this man.

No Davina he's the devil.

Just like we talked about.

A tattoo of a broken heart; outlined in red and dead flowers all around it sat right on his neck.

"Admiring me?"

I let out a choke and slowly backed up. "No, that not-

I can't help it. I stop mid-sentence and feel my hands grip my ring and lightly pull on it. My palms are sweaty as it grips the ring so effortlessly. My face feels hot as he looks at me.

He furrowed his eyebrows as I continued to feel my heart racing. "That's not what I was doing", I finally breathed.

"What's your name, love?" I thought about it for a second. How the man I met just two hours ago was now backing me into a wall and his hungry eyes imagining what it would be like to devour me. Most people would either think he's a murder or an insane person and probably run away screaming. But no. I just stand there and act all jittery.

And I know this sounds crazy, considering I have no idea who he is. I mean I don't even know his name. His eyes are filled with unknown things. They hold sparks of fire and darkness that make shivers go down my spine.

Get a hold of yourself, Davina.

"Look you asshole, I said sorry for hitting your car, but that does not give you the right to corner me", I hit my finger against his chest.

I wonder what it looks like under that shirt? Stop it, Davina.

His eyes narrowed down at me and he quickly grabbed my hand and crumbled it up like a piece of paper. "You do not fucking touch me", he spat.

"What the hell is wrong with you? You're the one who's asking me for my name and now what? You're squeezing my hand- which by the way hurts", I let out a wince from the pain.

He quickly let go and backed away from me. His eyes looked at the ground and went blank for a second before hardening.

Be nice, be nice, be nice; I reminded myself.

"Davina", I spoke up and clenched my hand.

His eyes snapped up to mine. "What?"

"You asked for my name, didn't you?"

"I don't give a shit about your name", he spat before walking away and leaving me in the dimly lit hallway.

Well, there's something wrong with that man. Could be bipolar? No, he seemed worse than that. I don't know, but whatever it is let's pray he gets some help for it.

"What took you so long?"

"I had cramps", I lied straight to Eli's face. He nods and stands up from his seat- leaving a tip at the table.

Laying against the rooftop, the night air immersed into my skin and left goosebumps prickling down. The sounds of cars flying by my house and the buildings looking down at me. I thought about everything for a while. From the exams to the strange man I encountered just earlier today. It all seemed crazy, honestly. Like the world was playing tricks on me.

I looked down at my ring and ran my fingers over the emerald green gem.

Not a lot of people knew about my anxiety. Not even mom. My way to help control it was to place some type of jewelry on my body and play with it to distract myself from all the whispers and eyes thrown at me. My panic attacks are what get me aggravated.

It's like nothing I do anymore can control my rapid breathing and the way my face gets all red. It feels like someone ripping the oxygen from my body and crushing it in front of me. Laughing at me like the idiot I am.

I'm a fool, is what I am.

I stand up from the roof and climb into my window. My soft, pink bedspread was wrinkled all over.

"Sweetie, can you get the door?" Yelled my mother from the bathroom.

I rushed down the stairs and opened the door.

First, my eyes fell on the black dress shoes, but then they slowly traveled upward where I saw my bag in a hand.

But it wasn't just any hand.

It was large, veiny, and had tattoos wrapped around it.

I locked eyes with silver hues again.

God damn it.


Anyway, I've decided to make a Pinterest board fully dedicated to Davina's outfits. So that way if you are interested in what she's exactly wearing you can go ahead and go to my Pinterest page and find the outfit. Link in my bio

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