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I sit on the breakfast bar, tying my hair up into a ponytail and hear Matteo's footsteps come up the stairs.

He spots me sitting there, but doesn't seem to react much.

"Hello to you too", I say and hop off the stool.

"Mhm", he mumbles and sits down on the couch with his phone in his hand.

"What's your problem?"

"Nothing", he response dryly and continues scrolling with his thumb.

"Someone's in a bad mood", I roll my eyes and grab my clothes on the ground. "I'm leaving I have to go do some things."

"Never asked."

I turn back around and glare at him. "What the fuck is wrong with you today?"

"Just leave."

"Why did I even consider dating you, you're a complete dick."

He stands up and follows me to the door.

His throat caught and laughter emitted the air and suffocated me. Usually hearing another's voice would soothe you, but instead, it made my insides crawl. He held his stomach and spoke through tears, "why the hell would I want to date you?"

I feel like wanting to curl up into a ball and hide away from embarrassment. My face turned red as the humiliation crept up into my blood and wrapped around my brain.

"I don't date you moron", he stopped laughing and sent daggers through me. His upper lip curled into a sneer while he walked closer, "so don't get so fucking confident."

Before I knew what I was doing my hand flew up and flew across his creamy skin, sending a burning sensation ripple down my hand. He held his face in his hand and whipped his grey hues to meet mine.

I could practically feel my skin start to mollify from how much anger was boiling out of him. His eyes looked like they wanted to skin me alive and make me beg for regretting my actions.

Without him being able to say a single word I run right to the door and unbolt the locks as quickly as possible.

But not quick enough because a pair of hands slam against the door and stop me from escaping this hell. My lips quiver in fear as I turn around and find Matteo's face inches from mine. When I looked into his eyes they weren't the least bit softened. Instead, they were blood-curdling and appalling.

He grabbed a fist full of my hair and pulled it back enough to make me squirm. Tears were leaving my eyes in complete dread, from how terrifying he looked. "Please don't hurt me", I cried out and squeezed my eyes close.

I felt the pressure leave my head and my body no longer burning under a person's touch. I slowly opened them and watched as his mouth hung open and his eyes softened a bit.

But no matter how sorry he looked I still feel the need to run far away from him and disappear into the comfort of my bed.

"I wasn't-, he started to speak but couldn't find the words.

"I wanna go home", I begged and still felt the tears flow down my face. I gripped onto my dress and watched as he slowly backed away. He couldn't even look me in the eyes.


"Let me go", I said barely above a whisper. He moved away from the door and with a quick movement, I scurried out of the damned apartment and sprinted down the flight of stairs.


"And where have you been, young lady?" My mother asked, wandering in with a wine glass filled with white wine.

Of course, she's drinking.

She walked out of the kitchen and stood in front of me examining my appearance. "What's wrong", she panicked and ran a finger across my cheeks, wiping away the black tears.

"It's nothing", I brush off her touch and walk up the spiral stairs. "I'm just tired", I sigh over my shoulder and disappear into my room.

The bed felt mellow against my small figure, while I crawled underneath the covers. Screw that walk.

I turned out the light, even though the sun hasn't set yet. Fear was still in my blood, but it was covered up by my drowsy self.

From the date, I went on with him to this? I didn't know much about how I felt about this whole week of a nightmare. I was so sure he was going to hurt me if I didn't speak up. His eyes haunted me in my sleep. So sinful and wicked that I could practically feel my blood run cold.

I didn't know much, no.

But one thing I did know was I will never see Matteo Creed again.

I swear on that.

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