Chapter 35

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"Stop being so mad about it."

"Sukuna! I'm already pissed! So If you're not going to shut up, I'm going to beat the shit out of you!" I glared at him across the room. Sukuna sighed and rubbed his forehead.

"So what? I thought them some bad words, at least Amurai. Also, that stupid Mirai taught them as well. So it's not my fault." He crossed his arms. I turned my head around with irk marks all around my face.

"Mirai has nothing to do with this! And she's not stupid!" Sukuna huffed after I said that.

"As if! Compare me to her. Who's better, huh? She's nowhere near as strong as I am." Sukuna smirked at me.

"Really? And are you as strong as me? Yeah, didn't think so." I tilted my head to the side. And that's when Sukuna snapped and our arguments continued.

(Akuma's pov)

"Is mommy going to be okay, Nii-san?" Amuka asked as he leaned closer to me. He had a few small tears at the side of his (E/C) eyes while tugging on my shirt. I smiled and patted his head.

"Don't worry. Your parents will be okay. They're just talking with each other a bit louder than usual." I gave him a close-eyed smile. 'They're literally screaming at each other Akuma.'

"But they're not going to fight. Right, Nii-san?" I looked over at Amurai who was sitting on my left side. I shook my head.

"No. Don't worry. They're not going to fight with each other." 'Not like Sukuna would win.' Amurai also leaned closer to me and tugged on my shirt with a small frown.

I took a fluffy blanket that I had in my room and wrapped it around us. I held both of their smaller figures close to my bigger figure. I smiled to myself. After some time, both of them began to drift to sleep. And somehow, I began to wonder. What if Amurai and Akuma were our kids? I shook my head.

'No! No! (Y/N)'s in love with Sukuna not with me and they have a family now. I can't think like this. Not anymore.' I leaned against the wall and took a deep breath in and out. Both Amurai and Akuma snuggled to my sides, already sleeping. I smiled and patted their heads before deciding that I'll rest for a while as well.

 (Y/N)'s pov)

"So are we going to settle this in the bed?" I stared at Sukuna with a blank expression.

"Are you mental?"

"But we haven't done it in a while. So I think now's perfect timing." Sukuna struggled, leaning against his chair while crossing his arms over his chest.

"Yeah. When I'm pissed like hell and I'm so close to tearing your head off your body. Yeah, sure. Now's the best timing." I rolled my eyes. And then an idea popped into my head. I smirked.

"Fine, we can do it. But! You have to say that you love me. Loud and clear! If not, it's your loss." I placed both of my hands on my hips. I was so confident with this. But Sukuna only frowned before turning his head to the side.

"Looks like it's my loss."

"Wha- Sukuna! Why can't you say it like once!? Once in a lifetime and mean it?!" I walked a bit closer to him.

"I already told you, it's annoying. Im not going to say it." I leaned against his palm, not looking at me. 

"So, should I take it that you don't love me and you're just using me for some reason?" And after I said this, Sukuna's red eyes went wide. But it didn't look like he was shocked because I said that he doesn't love me, it looked like he was shocked by something else.

"Tch. I'm sure Akuma would say he loves me without hesitation. Unlike you." I glared at him before turning around and preparing to walk out of the room. I reached for the handle and as I was about to open the doors, Sukuna stopped me by slamming his hand against it.

"Never compare me to him. Never again." He growled at me from behind. Though I wasn't affected by him at all. I looked at him over my shoulder with my (E/C) eyes that were now, glowing in black color. And this was a wake-up call for Sukuna. Slowly, he backed away. Not saying a word. I closed my eyes and turned around, leaving him in our room.

I walked through the halls on my way to Akuma's room. I asked him to take care of my boys while I talk with Sukuna for a while.

"Hey, mom!" I stopped walking. I gently smiled before turning around. Isamu and Mirai were walking towards me. 

"How was your talk with Sukuna?" Mirai gave a toothy grin. I sighed.

"Dont ruin my mood even more." I said before turning around and continuing my walk towards Akuma's room. Both Isamu and Mirai caught up to me.

"It was that bad?" Isamu asked. I didn't answer her but she could see that she was right.

"I mean, Sukuna doesn't seem like the type who would be calm all the time. Heck. Two days ago I saw him ill somebody in the village." Mirai looked up at me.

"So now he's killing people for fun?" I asked myself. I could almost see how Mirai smirked at me.

"Don't get mad at me my Queen. But you were doing that as well!" She grinned. A small blush found its way to my cheeks.

"Shut up. I'm not doing that anymore." I gently glared at her. She giggled and nodded her head. And before we knew it, we were standing in front of Akuma's room.

"Bad bitch Mirai is coming through the doors!" Mirai kicked the doors and rushed into his room. And once I caught her, she got slapped across the face. After that, she was on her knees with her head hanging low as she apologized countless times for saying a bad word. (You know, that thing Itadori did in episode 7)

"(Y/N). Mirai." I heard Isamu whisper. I looked at her over my shoulder, she had a hard blush on her face. I gave her a confused expression. Then she pointed to her right. That's when both I and Mirai began to blush as well.

Just Akuma and my little boys cuddling together while sleeping on Akuma's bed.

"If cute why this much!?" Mirai whispered to us as we watched them sleep together. Not weird at all.

"They're so precious!" I placed my palm on my mouth.

"Are we in love?!" Mirai looked at us with a huge smile. Both I and Isamu nodded at the same time.

"Definitely!" I have no idea for how long we watched them sleep together, but it was already evening. And once Akuma woke up he got a small heart attack when he saw us looking at them. So yeah, Akuma almost died.

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