𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝚃𝚘𝚞𝚛

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Y/n's POV

It was lunch time now. I waited at my desk until Kaminari walked up to me.

"Ready? We should eat lunch first then I'll give you the tour. I already got the go ahead from Aizawa too since right after is training!"

"Train...ing?" I asked.

He nodded. "There's a lot of different places we train. We can go to the USJ... Gym Gamma... hm.. there's a lot more but today I think we're going to Gym Gamma."

I followed him out the door and down the hall and stairs to the cafeteria. When we got there, he ordered me some food as well as him. He then lead me over to a table with four other people.

"Hey guys!" He announced, sitting down.

I looked at everyone for a place to sit and the pink girl smiled and pointed next to her. "Over here!"

I did as I was told and sat next to her, starting to nibble a little bit on my tempura Kaminari ordered for me.

"So, it's your first day?" She asked.

I nodded.

"Well, I'm Mina Ashido! You can just call me Mina though, that's what my friends call me"

"I'm Sero!"

"I'm Kirishima and he's Bakugou. Don't think he doesn't like you, he's like that to everyone"

"What's your... um.. your guys quirks?" I asked, my voice cracking in the middle of my sentence.

This talking thing was not quite for me.

"I can shoot acid!" Mina beamed.

"I shoot tape from my elbows. Makes it easy to tie the perv Mineta up to the ceiling"

"I can harden my body and Bakugou shoots explosives! Pretty cool huh? What's your quirk?" Kirishima asked.

"Oh.. it's frost. I can make things freeze and drop its temperature ranging from 50 degrees Fahrenheit to negatives..."

"Can you make it snow?" Mina asked.

I shrugged. "Maybe if I try?"

"She's kind of like Todoroki when I think about it" Kaminari said. "Todoroki has been trying to make it snow for days, hence the rain. It'll be bad for Tsu though since she'll sleep for a little. A frog quirk can be cool but has its downsides"

I nodded. This went on and on. Their friendship dynamic seemed really cool too. Even Bakugou seemed to enjoy their company sometimes. I felt so out of place.. like I just placed myself there.

"Ready for the tour now? I'm all fueled up so we'll be good!" Kaminari smiled.

I nodded and followed him around. The tour was going by kind of short, but it seemed like he tried his best to make it as detailed as possible. I'm about ten minutes, we got to the dorms.

"Have you got any clothes? Luggage?" He asked.

I shook my head. "Just my uniform, a pair of pajamas, and now I guess a set of PE clothes the school provides"

Kaminari just looked at me but didn't seem to judge.

"This is your room" he said, opening the door. "Mine is across the hall and my friend Jirou's is down that way. Also, our class Rep is right next to my room so it's pretty cool if I ever need help with homework."

I nodded and looked inside my dorm. "It's so empty."

He nodded. "Yeah, when we moved in we got to decide what we wanted in here and what we didn't. Most of the stuff was from home though. You have a home though, right?"

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