This Forsaken World Chapter 9

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This Forsaken World Chapter 9

Commander Devin Crowe

As my squadron made there way back into the fray, my radio crackled as Captain Conner's voice came through. "Devin, there is a new signal coming through on long range scanners." The fact she used my name and broke military protocol spoke volumes for how bad things had become.

"What do we have ma'am?" I asked, scanning the battle scene in front of me for anything new. I didn't see anything different, the destroyer and battleship were still engaging the enemy. The second destroyer had cleared the field and was out of sight, most likely being repaired on the far side of the orbital station so it could rejoin the battle.

"Four new enemy ships just arrived in system, there circling the assaulting battle-fleet and making there way directly to the surface. Scans show there smaller than the initial capital ships and there moving a lot faster. Intelligence suggests there a landing force. As of right now each ship is heading to a different city. I need you to take two bomber squadrons and intercept the one heading for Seattle." I shook my head in frustration.

"Captain, if we withdraw to engage those ships the battle here could turn. Our bombers are the only thing holding those enemy battle ships off." I turned to port and rolled to evade some chunks of melted metal in front of me. The Reaper's had spaced themselves out, we had yet to re-engage as the Captain had radioed before we'd had a chance and at the moment we were lingering on the very edge of the combat.

"I understand that Commander, you have your orders. Let me deal with this battle, you have your own to attend to. Your priority is Seattle, if they reach that city the 2nd Expeditionary Fleet is going to be annihilated before they can take off. Take Hammer Squadron and Anvil Squadron and go, now!" The authority in her voice made it clear nothing I would say would change anything.

While I knew the battle here was critical to the survival of the fleet, what she said was also true. I was surprised however, the underground compound in Seattle had enough firepower to destroy anything that came its way, I wasn't sure why our presence was needed but my orders took precedence over everything else.

"Understood Captain. Good luck." I switched channels to inform my squadron of the new orders before toggling over to the bomber's. "Sledge." I waited for a reply, watching as explosions raked one of the battleships and the Hammer squadron appeared from beneath it.

"Go ahead." The big man's voice was gruff and full of focus and concentration. "How's your ordnance, you got enough for another run on a smaller ship?" I asked, watching as the bomber's circled around and cleared the battle zone.

"Yeah, more or less. Where do you want the payload?" He asked.

I hit a switch to lock radar on the bomber's, letting them know our coordinates and to group up on us. I did the same with the Anvil Squadron but it really wasn't necessary, they had been deployed from the Carrier Star and they were already on there way.

"We got an unknown heading for Seattle, orders are to intercept." I waited as the Hammer's joined up with us and took position on our six alongside Anvil Squadron.

"Roger that. I'd ask some questions but I know its pointless. Let's get to it." There was now an edge of irritation mixed with excitement as the appeal to blow something else up was there. "Copy, let's go."

Turning to the flank our small fleet of ships kicked in thrusters and made our way to Seattle. As we approached I noticed the unidentified ships breaking formation and entering atmosphere at various points on the planet.

These new ships while smaller and faster were definitely war ships of some kind. As with all the enemy ships we'd seen so far, they were blocky and rectangular, small stubby wings on the sides with what looked like an enormous hangar bay on its back.

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