This Forsaken World Chapter 22

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This Forsaken World Chapter 22

Commander Devin Crowe

As Sally rose for the fifth time she waited for her wounds to heal before dropping into a fighters stance. Casting a glance at me she registered that the rest of our team was no longer among us and smiled to herself.

"Well, looks like I don't have to hold back anymore." She whispered, spearing the enemy officer with a withering gaze.

"What are you mumbling about?" The man asked, arrogance overruling caution as he had deemed Sally a mere nuisance and not a real threat.

Watching her with pride I checked my SMG to make sure it had a fresh magazine and ducked down behind a supply crate to watch, hiding my presence from the enemy forces so they thought the 'human's' had escaped.

"Let's dance." Sally said as she kicked off her back foot and launched into a graceful front aerial. As her right foot came down recovering from the maneuver she placed her right hand on the ground and delivered a roundhouse, catching her opponent on the side of the head and causing him to stagger to the side. Sally's entire body posture was different and the way she moved and carried herself had taken on a skilled martial artists confidence.

The thing that surprised me the most was how similar the art she was using compared to the human style on Earth and it reinforced the idea that our two species were more connected than anyone realized.

Touching his jaw in shock the Fleet Commander snarled showing his fangs. "What was that?!" He snapped.

Jumping straight up Sally shifted momentum in mid-air and brought her left leg around to score another hit on the opposite side of the man's head, knocking him in the other direction this time and disorienting him as he struggled to figure out which direction he was facing.

Before the officer could recover the white haired vampiress moved in and closed the gap, delivering a blinding array of body hits with swift kicks and punches. The pummeling was so intense I could hear audible bones cracking and crunching with each strike and she didn't let up, pushing her opponent to the edge of the platform and causing the spectators to separate in order to clear the way.

A sudden beeping sound caught my attention and I looked down at the wrist watch I was wearing. The sound was the alarm going off to notify me of the impending explosive detonation in the engine bay.

Sally must have either heard this or been keeping count herself as she shifted her stance and threw a front kick directly into the officers face, crushing his nose and causing him to tumble over the edge of the hangar floor and fall down into the massive pressure door below.

The fall wouldn't kill him but he was out of the fight with no way to recover and I was sure from the cursing I heard after the landing he was pretty pissed off.

A second later and a series of explosions ripped through the ship and the dreadnought sharply twisted, the inertial dampeners failing and causing everyone and everything to tumble sideways. Sally had been expecting this and had managed to get a hold of the landing strut on one of the transport ships nearby.

The crates, loose ships and enemy troops were in complete disarray and I rushed across the hangar to join Sally, firing short bursts of rounds from my SMG into any vampire that was close by.

While I was making my way to the transport the vampiress was hanging onto I noticed a flashing light on the nose of the craft and suddenly realized it was a remote EMP (Electromagnetic pulse) designed to disable the ship with any attempt to take off.

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