This Forsaken World Chapter 29

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This Forsaken World Chapter 29

Sergeant Victor Grimm

As we arrived at the gathering my breath was taken away by the sheer number of Alliance military personnel and equipment. The Sergeant hadn't been kidding, I counted at least two hundred tanks, fifty walkers, a ridiculous number of solar military vehicles and a large landing area for shuttles, fighters and bombers.

Standing out against the background was a single AFC-6 A1 frigate which surprised me since I'd heard the Alliance fleet had abandoned Earth. The ship was small by capital standards but it was large enough to bring twenty five ballistic turrets and one rocket pod to any fight.

As far as infantry and combat personnel there were tents spreading off in every direction almost as far as the eye could see. The number was probably unknown but it had to be in the tens of thousands if not more.

Positioned off to the left roughly a mile out was a rugged run down camp with medical symbols that had to be the refugee site. The people gathered there were dressed in rags or torn and shredded clothing. A large number of the individuals had injuries and they simply sat in tight clusters staring at the ground in a daze. Most likely the survivors that now occupied the camp were lost in there own worlds with no signs of hope.

A barbed wire electric fence ringed the entire compound with automated turrets sticking out of the ground at twenty foot intervals, slowly pivoting back and forth in a ninety degree arc to protect the vital military assets within.

The vehicles approached a gate and we were waved through as the guards opened the entrance for us. Inside it was a spectacle to behold as the last surviving elements of the Alliance military prepared for the coming battle.

Sergeant Storm saluted a Colonel as the two trucks pulled into designated parking spaces. Dismounting the squad formed up in three rows to await further orders. The survivors of our group followed in the Major's wake as he approached the higher ranking officer and did his best to stand at attention, throwing up a crisp salute.

"At ease, all of you. I'm Colonel Kastings, welcome to the the last hope for humanity. I'd ask your unit designation but to be honest I really don't care right now." The man was gruff and no nonsense, carrying an air of authority that most new recruits would visibly shrink in front of.

"Yes sir, what are your orders then?" The Major asked, looking around uncomfortably.

"For now, get some grub. Some of you look like you need medical attention. After that come find me in the command tent, General Porter will want to speak to you about assignments, dismissed." The entire group, both the survivors and the squad, broke off and went there separate ways.

Evan huddled close to my shoulder as the Major turned to offer his hand to me.

"Thanks for everything you've done, I hope to see you again." I shook the officers hand and smiled.

"Yes sir, you as well." Releasing his grip the man turned and walked away. Glancing sideways at Evan I grinned.

"Ready for some food?" I asked. The private nodded enthusiastically and we made our way to the massive tent on the northwest corner labeled mess hall.

Commander Devin Crowe

The trip back to the fleet felt like years. I constantly went over in my head what I could have done differently or how things might have turned out. Angel was at the forefront of my mind and even though it was directly against military protocol I'd turned off my radio so no one could bother me. After what we had just been through a court martial seemed like a picnic and there was no way they'd relieve me of command when we were so short on personnel.

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