This Forsaken World Chapter 14

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This Forsaken World Chapter 14

Commander Devin Crowe

When I awoke I was laying in a medical bed, bandages covering several parts of my body. I could tell I was under the influence of some high grade pain killers because I felt great.

Glancing around at my surroundings I realized I was in the medical bay of the A.M.S. Star, the staff walking around familiar as well as the layout. While the Eclipse was designed almost exactly the same, there quarters were more elaborate, considering it was Admiral Burn's flagship.

It felt like a dream, what I suffered on board the enemy ship, but the blood soaked gauze and the empty void of my left eye socket proved it was all too real. I knew the wound would impair my flight capabilities, I just hoped I could convince the Captain I was combat capable.

A Corpsman saw me awake and made his way over to my bed.

"How do you feel Commander?" The man asked, checking my monitors and the IV bag I had in my arm.

"I'll live, unless you have something to tell me that I don't want to hear. How long have I been out?" I stretched out, my legs stiff and my back aching. Unfortunately the movement caused pain and I hissed, remembering the strips of skin missing. Apparently no matter how much medication you've taken it won't erase everything.

"Nah, your the embodiment of perfect health sir. You've been unconscious for about twelve hours. We were forced to re-hydrate you through tubes, you were severely dehydrated. As for food we chose to wait until you woke up to feed you. Your injuries were not life threatening so we patched you up and brought you here. Once you feel up to it, we'll release you."

The medic changed out my low IV bag and grinned.

"I'll bring you some food, all I need to know is, do you want green jello or blue?" I couldn't help but laugh at this.

"Blue, but I have no intention of eating it. I know someone who might though. What's the status of my squadron?" During my stay aboard the enemy ship my squad mates were one of the few things I had not been afraid of, they could take care of themselves.

The man nodded and finished his checks. "I'm gonna have to change your bandages, there seeping through. I'll have the Reapers brought in, theirs a large man from a bomber squadron in the waiting room as well, want to see him?" I nodded and the man left the room.

Trying to get comfortable once more, it was hard due to the tenderness in my back but I did my best. I stared up at the ceiling while waiting and sighed in frustration. It was going to take some getting used to not having one of my eyes, it cast a major blind spot and my sense of direction was off balance.

Footsteps broke up my thoughts as I sat up once more and smiled broadly at the sight of all my friends. Jewel was openly crying as she inspected me and she moved forward to throw her arms around me in a strong hug. I hissed in pain and she backed away.

"Oh, sorry, um sir." She gave me a crisp salute as everyone else followed suit. The entire squadron was there as well as Sledge. He gave me a nod as he tried to move into a corner so he was out of the way.

"It's good to see you guys. How'd the fight go?" I looked between each of them, trying to get a sense of the situation through there body posture and the looks on there faces. It was Raptor who spoke up first.

"We withdrew. We're on our way to the Venus station right now. The entire second fleet is gone, the orbital station's defenses were destroyed, we got our asses kicked." The pilot stared at his feet in a look of defeat.

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