This Forsaken World Chapter 12

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(Warning, this chapter contains scenes of torture.)

This Forsaken World Chapter 12

Sergeant Victor Grimm

The large mechanical noise outside was followed by a bright red searchlight peering through the windows. I dove for cover as the light passed over the downed fridge and I cursed at the pain the sudden movement caused in my ribs.

A scout walker for the enemy was directly outside and it was slowly scanning the bottom eight floors. I wasn't sure if it could go any higher but this was most likely a probe to determine if infantry was required to sweep the building.

Lila gripped the pistol tightly in both hands and hid behind her brother. The two troopers hid behind various objects and the woman had taken refuge inside the bathroom.

It took several minutes before the searchlight vanished and the mechanical foot steps receded into the distance. I breathed in heavily and whistled the all clear to the others.

Clustering together near the downed fridge after we'd left our hiding places, we huddled in close for a discussion about what to do.

"I doubt that's going to be the last search in this area. There probably going to be checking this entire place thoroughly. Even if we go up to a higher floor, they'll eventually trap us in here." This came from Evan as he glanced uneasily out the nearest window at the drop ships.

"True, but if we go outside we'll be even more vulnerable. Not just to the aliens and there machines but to zombies and fanatics as well. We need a place where we can lie low and wait for reinforcements." This from the Staff Sergeant.

I sighed heavily in frustration and decided to add my own input on the situation.

"Anything we do within these walls is bad. There will be no reinforcements. These ships are part of a massive fleet, they most likely have landed in every walled sanctuary on the planet. Nobody is going to come for us, they have there own problems." I looked between the other survivors slowly.

Lila surprised me as she stepped out from behind her brother. "So, maybe we leave the walled city? Outside the only threat is dead things, they have no reason to think people would go outside the walls, they won't look for us."

The idea was actually brilliant. We could regroup, gather weapons, build a resistance and launch a counter attack when we were strong enough.

"I love it, that's an amazing idea. We know how to fight the infected. After the battle at the main gates the zombies numbers in this area are severely reduced, we killed a lot of them. Before more infected come this way we could fortify a location outside the city and start gathering survivors." I looked at the Staff Sergeant. "What do you think?"

The veteran nodded slowly before a grim look covered his face. "We'd need more weapons and a vehicle or transportation, no way we'd survive on foot. Also we need more people, just the six of us would be overpowered if we got into a fight."

Evan backed away from the window and hissed softly. "Incoming." He whispered, taking cover behind a pillar nearby. Moving with a sense of purpose but trying to stay quiet everyone returned to there original hiding spots and I moved to stand near the fridge, using a wall to hide from outside.

While I'd expected a scout walker, the sounds of footsteps drew my attention to the stairway and I cursed. Scooping up my shotgun I crouched behind the fridge and readied my weapon. It took several minutes before a pair of figures emerged. Immediately I pulled the trigger as I recognized alien infantry wearing red body suits.

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