This Forsaken World Chapter 28

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This Forsaken World Chapter 28

Sergeant Victor Grimm

We'd been flying for just over an hour, my guess somewhere over Wyoming, when tracer rounds shot up from the ground to pass close by. Looking down I got excited as I nudged the pilot who had begun to panic.

"Those are friendlies! Break left and land this scrap heap so we can introduce ourselves before they shoot us down." The mechanic was white knuckling the controls as he swallowed hard and did as he was told. The man had the courage of a mouse and it was almost embarrassing to consider him a fellow soldier.

The transport shuddered as it set down and I left the cockpit, my enthusiasm obviously evident as the rest of the occupants stood up and turned to face me with curious looks.

"Got some Alliance military out there taking pot shots at us. Luckily they have horrible aim but it mean's we're not alone out here." I informed the Major. The officer grinned and opened the door to allow everyone to leave the ship.

Outside the landscape was much the same as everywhere else, barren and desolate. We were just just off of I-80 near a small town called Wamsutter. In the distance rapidly advancing on our position was a pair of solar powered Alliance issue military trucks with fifty caliber ballistic turrets on the top. Defense Force troopers were manning the heavy weapons as they realized we were humans and visibly relaxed.

The major waved to the oncoming vehicles and I slumped up against the side of the Nocturnal Transport, the fatigue of the last few days hitting me once more. While I'd been able to get plenty of sleep the night before, the fighting and stress was building and it was hard to keep pushing on.

The two vehicles pulled up in front of us and a fire team of six men exited to train there weapons on us, the two gunners staying on station in case something happened.

"I'm Sergeant Storm, rank and assignment." The lead man ordered as his group spread out to cover all of us, one flanking to the far right so he could check the aft portion of the star ship.

"Major Bask with survivors from New York. The city fell, we've been on the run ever since, stole this ship on our way out." He indicated the transport behind him.

The man before us was obviously Defense Force but he didn't match any unit I'd ever seen which wasn't saying much since I'd never left New York until now. The group was wearing desert camo, the vehicles a light tan in color.

"Right." The entire fire team snapped a salute which the major returned before waving them to ease. "You might want to come with us sir, I'd suggest leaving the transport so Alliance military doesn't fire on you, it'll be tight but everyone should be able to fit in the trucks." The Sergeant waved us on and his team remounted the vehicles.

The NCO had been right, it was a tight fit for everyone but we made it work and after a few minutes of light curses and bumping into each other we were on the move.

"So where are we heading?" I asked, elbowing Evan in the ribs to get him to move over a bit so I could lean between the front seats. The major had been given access to the passenger seat due to his rank and I looked over his shoulder.

"The surviving elements of the Alliance military from across the united states is gathering north of here. We've got a very large force so far and its growing by the hour as anything that can drive or fly is rallying there. The brass is planning on launching a major counter attack but as it stands we don't know which target is being considered. We've got gear, food and water and plenty of ammunition for the fight. I have to tell you, if you join us there you either pull your weight or you'll be sent to the refugee camp out of the zone to fend for yourselves. This is a military operation only and any non essentials are being dismissed." I grinned as the idea of getting back into this fight properly and having an Alliance assault rifle with plenty of ammunition once more got me excited.

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