This Forsaken World Chapter 31

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This Forsaken World Chapter 31

Captain Victor Grimm

As I finished surveying my troopers to make sure they were ready for battle a technical sergeant arrived to inform me the general was gathering all senior officers for a briefing. Turning to face Evan I nodded slowly.

"Guess it's time. Make sure the tanks and mech are ready would you?" My friend gave me a salute before jogging towards the motor pool.

Sighing, I followed the messenger towards the briefing location. It took a few minutes as we were forced to walk across the entire camp. The place was much larger than I had originally assumed and the sheer scale was hard to grasp. We had to have one hell of a radar screen to hide so many military assets from a technologically advanced race of beings.

The briefing was set up out in the open with a large peg board and at least two hundred seats spread out to give full view of the general as he stood in the very center. I was directed to a seat on the far right side barely in ear shot and tried to get comfortable.

Surrounding me were officers of every caliber and rank, the last remnants of the Alliance military ready to lead our troops to a final battle. This was an all or nothing gamble as we were attempting to bait the entirety of the enemy force out into the open.

General Porter waited patiently until everyone was seated before he clicked a remote, a large spotlight illuminating his position as well as the board behind him.

"Alright lets get to it. We've been sending ghost signals to the enemy for the past few hours to try and get them to take the bait. The idea is to make it seem like the last of the human race is trying to hold up in one location and we're hoping they send the majority of there ground forces to this position." The grizzled war veteran was indicating a location with a short metal rod.

The image showed a canyon with three entrances. The area was large enough for what I guessed had to be a hundred thousand human's as well as vehicles. The pathway's leading into the canyon were choke points that would be easy to defend and there was enough cover over the top to protect from air strikes. This would force the enemy to attack on foot, especially with anti-air defenses in place.

"We'll be moving our armored divisions into position within the canyon here." He again pointed out the indicated location.

"Infantry will be loaded into armored trucks, troop air transports and anything else that has wheels. Anti-air will be deployed atop the peaks to keep the enemy air power from attacking." General Porter pointed at a valley within a river bed at least five miles away. The location was again well defended with cover from above and the river itself led within a mile of the canyon.

"The infantry will be set up here for deployment once the enemy has committed itself to the fight. The armored units will try to draw the enemy into the bottle neck of the entrances and hold them until the infantry arrives. We will flank the enemy at any location they enter the canyon and hit them from two sides." The general cast a gaze across the entire Alliance leadership before him.

"The frigate will position directly above the battle site defended by our remaining fighters while the bombers strike at any targets out in the open. Troop transports, after deploying there payload of ground troops, will act as decoys for enemy fire while also collecting and repositioning any units needed." Porter set the rod down and turned around.

"This is an all or nothing...I'm not going to lie, if we lose this battle, we lose Earth. We can't do anything about there fleet but if we make enough trouble on the surface and rack up fatalities on there side, they might decide we're not worth it and move on." The general crossed his arms over his chest and shook his head.

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