This Forsaken World Chapter 20

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This Forsaken World Chapter 20

Commander Devin Crowe

"Commander we've got a problem!" The co-pilot called out from the cockpit. Unstrapping my restraints I moved to stand just inside the doorway.

"What's the issue?" I asked, looking out the forward view port. The question was unnecessary now that I could see what was going on in front of us. The hangar bay doors were sealed shut and to make matters worse multiple shard turrets were in the process of targeting the transport ship.

"What do we do boss?" The pilot asked, his hands white knuckling the control stick as he put us through a series of twists to evade the deadly projectiles being launched in our direction.

Before I could respond Sally arrived at my shoulder and cut in.

"If you can lock into a certain frequency I can give you the command code to open the doors. Channel 9.361 in your numerical system, lets just hope it matches." I nodded my thanks as the pilot did as he was told.

"Done, what's the code?" The co-pilot asked, his fingers hovering above a small keypad.

"Six six four three eight one two should be the override command." The vampire said as she stepped back and resumed her seat in the transport hold.

A light above the doors switched from red to blue and the large armored panels began to slide apart, exposing the very large hangar bay beyond bathed in a red glow.

"Alright lets do it, retype the code once we're in to seal the doors behind us then hold for further orders while we infiltrate." I clapped the pilot on the shoulder and moved to stand by the exit ramp. "Let's do it Lieutenant."

Signaling the rest of his men the young officer flipped his headset on and raised his assault carbine into the firing position tight against his shoulder.

"Touch down in!" The Co-pilot counted down as the ship landed hard and the ramp dropped, sparks flying everywhere as it did.

"Move it move it move!" The Lieutenant yelled to his men as they spread out in a semi-circle outside the ship. The other two transports landed at various locations nearby and all hell broke loose as the mounted turrets opened fire, the soldiers opened up and the vampires returned the favor.

The hangar was truly massive which made sense considering we were in a Dreadnought, the flagship of the enemy fleet. Huge invasion ships, fighter/bombers, transports and cargo vessels were docked from ceiling mounts, on repair stations or lined up in launch tubes.

As the firefight began to increase, more and more vampire's arriving to reinforce the hangar, the S.C.A.R. Soldiers formed defensive screens hiding behind crates and panels to hold the position.

"First team one, we're up! Sally lead the way." I yelled, moving forward to flank the vampiress as she guided us to a sealed door. Tracer rounds zipped overhead, the occasional tranquilizer dart or shard of metal flying in the opposing direction.

Tapping a code into the keypad beside the door, the buttons completely unfamiliar to me as the keys were in some strange language or numerical pattern, the portal slid aside. Sally stepped in and was forced to immediately duck as a barrage of enemy fire opened up.

Using the door frame for cover I unloaded a short burst from my SMG being rewarded with a grunt of pain as I tagged an enemy. The Lieutenant stepped forward and raised a flash grenade.

Nodding, I stepped aside so the man could move forward and toss the device down the hall. "Sally close your eyes!" I yelled.

Doing as she was told, the grenade flew past her and landed among the enemy troops, exploding in a brilliant blinding light that disoriented the vampires. "Now!" I yelled, entering the hallway and taking the left side as the rest of the special forces soldiers took the right.

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