This Forsaken World Chapter 21

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This Forsaken World Chapter 21

Commander Devin Crowe

It took us around ten minutes to finally rig the charges around the gas chamber. The entire situation was putting my nerves on edge thinking about the men trying to hold the hangar while waiting for us.

Sally was once again proving her loyalty as she directed the explosives expert to the most vulnerable locations to cause the most damage to the Dreadnought. I stood nearby with my sub machine gun watching carefully with mixed emotions.

Surprisingly no one attacked during the operation and soon we were ready to make our way back to the transports. The Lieutenant attempted to use his communicator but there was no reply from the rest of the S.C.A.R. Forces, either interference or something far worse causing a radio blackout.

"Let's move with a purpose people, Nillson you take point." The young officer said, one of his men nodding as we moved forward to retrace our steps.

We encountered light resistance on our return trip, mostly a handful of vampires attempting to defend a corridor with tranquilizer guns. The enemy troops fell easily under a barrage of bullets and we made good time.

Once we reached our fallen comrade from the earlier battle two of the team members scooped up the body and carried it between themselves, staying in the middle so they wouldn't be exposed to enemy gunfire.

As we reached the entrance to the hangar I waved everyone back and moved forward, taking a peek through the doorway. The lack of gunfire or any noise was disturbing and my heart almost stopped from the sight that greeted me. The survivors of the special forces team, maybe three in all with two pilots and one co-pilot, were on there knees with there hands behind there head.

Surrounding the transports and the prisoners stood anywhere between thirty to fifty heavily armed and armored vampires. The tranquilizer and nets guns had been exchanged for rapid fire shard weapons with a pair of mounted turrets in position to lay crossing fire to cover any possible entrance into the hangar.

A tall man wearing a fancy crisp blood red uniform stood beside the prisoners, his hands behind his back. Blazing red eyes locked onto me the second I peeked around the corner and the man gave me a fang filled smile.

"Come on out, there's no point in hiding, your in no position to do anything." The officer speaking was tall, perhaps almost as tall as my six four, with a bald head and sharp pronounced features. His voice was heavily accented as though he had struggled to master English, the words sounding foreign and barely understandable.

I stood there for a few moments trying to decide what to do when a scream caught my attention and I looked out once more. The tall vampire had just grabbed the last co-pilot and was in the process of ripping his throat out, draining the man's blood. A crimson mist sprayed everywhere and the closest vampires who were covered took a few moments to lick up the red liquid from there hands or clothing. The sight made my stomach turn and I breathed in through my ventilator attempting to keep my food down.

"Don't make me ask again or I'll kill another. Out here, now!" The vampire declared once more, dropping the body to the deck and kicking it aside.

Glancing back at the others I nodded and together we emerged, spreading out in a line and training our weapons on various targets. Sally stood at my shoulder, her red eyes locked on the tall enemy officer.

"Ah, so the rumors are true. The great Captain Sallyskavesska turned traitor and fighting for these pathetic humans. Your death will not be a quick one my lady. We shall perform the Vakkto on you for this heresy." The man wiped the excess blood from his chin, the red liquid blending in with the uniform so well you could scarcely tell it was even there.

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