five; cacodemonic

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Applause - Lady Gaga (Glee Cover)

  Give me that thing that I love.  

"Didn't you say something about another brother? Daniel or something," Kai mumbled through his mouth full of Pork Rinds. 

"Why on Earth would I have a brother called Daniel when the rest of us are named after mythical spirits?" Lilith asked, watching in disgust as bits of food escaped his mouth. "Gabriel, his name is Gabriel and he's the oldest of us three," she said. 

"Oh." It was silent. "I'm bored, amuse me," he said after a second thought. Lilith sighed but nonetheless complied to his wishes. 


"You two are disgraces to our family name, mom and dad told me so," Gabriel said, crossing his arms with a satisfied smirk. 

Lilith frowned at her older brother, wrapping an arm around Lucifer's shoulder. "Stop it, Gabe, you're hurting him," she said, feeling Lucifer's body shake from sobbing and fear. "Mom and dad would never say that to you and you know it, you've got too much of a big mouth and it would ruin their reputation."

Gabriel scoffed, cracking his name. "You're always trying to be the good sibling aren't you?" He asked her. "You're fifteen, you can't do anything to protect this little abomination," he spat at Lucifer. 

"I can try, as long as I can protect him from you, I can protect him from anybody else," said Lilith, a bite in her tone. 

"Children, come out here now, the guests are wanting to meet you." The three of them looked to the doorway where their mother stood in all of her glory, golden bangles around her neck and wrists, golden earrings and golden rings, her marriage ring holding a crystal rock. 

Gabriel hummed as he passed the two of them, standing on Lucifer's foot as he did so. "You can barely protect yourself Lily," he hissed in her face, nodding to their mother. 

"One word that you two have not behaved and you're straight to the cellar," their mom hissed, a finger pointed in their direction before she walked out of the back room. 

"He's worse than the people at school," Lucifer told her as they walked out of the room hand in hand. 

"I know Luce, luckily I'm here when he's around and when I'm not, remember what I taught you, okay?" Lilith checked, ruffling his black curls. 

"He seems like a dick," Kai said when she took a break. "Maybe we'd get along." He paused. "Then again I can think of a reason why I'd want to kill him," he said as a second thought. 

"Shut up," Lilith replied, glaring at him with hatred. "He had some good days too, that's what makes him so different from you."


Lilith had gotten into a fight at school with one of the Jock's at the age of sixteen. The Jock, Jack was his name, had pushed one of her friends into the lockers, sending her to the nurses office, this angered Lilith into punching the boy in the jaw. 

Word had quickly traveled to Gabriel who had been in Jack's year. Surprisingly the older sibling hadn't joined in with the chants, instead he had taken a beating from the jock, covering for Lilith as he soon fought off the jock. 

That was the day that the two of them vowed to stick up for each other when they needed it the most; that promise didn't last long, the next day the jocks had crowded her, knowing Gabriel was home that day. 

"I received three cracked ribs that day, my parents didn't care, they pressed charges and that was that." Lilith shrugged, resting her chin on her forearms. "Lucifer was ten at that point. I had never seen someone so gentle, so pure as him be destroyed."

Kai stared at her, resting his his chin on her crossed hands. "He would've fallen at some point," he told her, not to comfort her but to make her realise. 

Lilith looked up at him, a small smile on her face. "I know, trust me I know," she chuckled, shaking her head. "Lucifer, he was this blue-eyed, pale boy, as tall as me as the age of eleven and was full of light even though he has been kicked around all his life, he was my motivation," she said. 

Kai watched as various emotions flickered in her eyes, her smile dropping further. "Then your coven killed him, didn't even drop by to say sorry, a bouquet of flowers for the funeral for an empty casket. An empty casket!" Lilith began to breathe out deep breaths, calming herself. "I hate your coven, looking at you and now knowing that you were born to lead that coven makes me think of how your father murdered my brother. Makes me sick."

Kai felt himself become excited the more she spoke about her loathing for his enemy. "You want revenge?" He offered her. 

Lilith giggled, shaking her head. "No, I'm passed that. All I want to do is remember Lucifer when he was alive and laughing," she told him. She noticed his body deflate. "Why do you hate them?"

Kai looked out of the kitchen window. "I already told you, I was betrayed by my own family, called an abomination, I was ridiculed by the other's, so much so that I locked myself in my room for days on end." Kai shook his head, an amused grin on his face. "Oh, how much I would like to tear them apart," he spoke, his voice so soft. 


"You know I love you, don't you?" Lilith was shocked to hear these words come out of Gabriel's mouth. "I know that I've never told you this but I need to or I won't forgive myself."

Lilith's mouth propped open in shocked. "Why are you telling me this now?" She asked, almost scared for the answer. 

"Mom and dad are sending me away," he told her. "I'm going to some camp in England, that's why we're going out for this big meal," he informed her, wrapping an arm around her shoulders. "You're eighteen now, that means that when I'm gone, they're going to rely on you a lot more whether you like it or not."

Lilith nodded. For the second time in all of her eighteen years he had hugged her. The first being when she was born, he was told not to give her love like that again. 

"Stop babying Lucifer too, I was harsh on him for a reason, although he never had the love and touch of a mother, you were a close second, so now he also relies on you to take care of him," said Gabriel. He pushed her away, bending his head down to come eye to eye with her. "This isn't forever, I know you won't forgive me for the way I've treated you in the past, but when I come back, I hope theirs still a place for me."

"You zoned out a little bit there then, something I said?" Kai asked, breaking her train of thought. He was answered with a shake of a head. "Okay," he said, pushing himself from the table. "I wanna learn how to fly, you fancy helping me?" He asked, grabbing the keys from the side. 

"Now?" Lilith asked, shocked at the proposal. 

"Unless we're waiting for somebody... Oh wait," he joked, letting out a huff of laughter. 

"Oh, you're so funny Kai," she grumbled sarcastically, standing up, luckily the two of them had their shoes and coats on already. "You're taking me to New York," she ordered him. 

"No," he shot her down. "You don't get to order me around, this is my hell, not yours," he said, smiling at her falsely. He got into the drivers seat. 

Lilith quick stuck her tongue, crossing her eyes forming a silly face behind his back before returning to her normal passive self and climbed into the passenger seat. 

"Ugh, do you really have to sit there? That means I have to see your face the whole ride there," he groaned in a joking manner. 

Lilith let out a load fit of laughter, surprising Kai from the high pitches. "Oh man, you're just full of good jokes today," she replied before her smile dropped. "Not."

Kai started the ignition, chuckling to himself. "That was good, I gotta give you credit for that one," he told her as he began to drive. 

black hearts; kai parkerजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें