twenty three; duplicitous

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Criminal - Britney Spears

  He is a hustler, he's no good at all
He is a loser, he's a bum, bum, bum, bum
He lies, he bluffs, he's unreliable.  

Due to Lilith actually having her license, thanks to Charlie, she was allowed to order alcohol. She had been ordering vodka shots all night until she was beginning to feel numb. Kai had frowned at her few times when she would sometimes sway from left to right, knocking into him at times.

"I can't believe how drunk you are," he muttered as he wrapped an arm around her waist, keeping her from falling off of the stool. He pulled her closer to his side, smiling forcefully at people who stared. "You owe me," he whispered in her ear.

His other hand held his phone, the Twitter app opened up. Lilith noticed this and pushed herself closer to him, as close as possible. "Ooh, you should follow me and Char!" She exclaimed but he moved his hand up to her face, covering her mouth.

"Ooh, you should shut up," he replied, frowning as she tried to lick his hand but he ignored it. "You forget I had siblings," he muttered.

Lilith huffed and gave up trying to pull his hand away and instead leaned into him, suddenly becoming very tired.

"You on Twitter?" Kai suddenly asked, making Lilith open her eyes to see Liv stood in front of them. "Ah. I just signed up. You should follow me. Cobrakai1972." If Lilith could be bothered, she would roll her eyes at his ridiculous name. Well. Hers isn't any better, but still!

Judging by Liv's blank stare she hadn't gotten the joke, neither had Lilith really. "Come on. Like "Karate Kid"?" Kai tried, he sighed and decided to change the subject. "Did you know you can follow celebrities? Heh. They all Twitter the stupidest things. It's-it's hilarious," he chuckled, finally removing his hand from Lilith's mouth .

"Finally," muttered Lilith, slumping against the bar.

"It's kind of dead. I think I'm gonna close up," said Liv, noticing it was just Kai and Lilith in the bar, except for herself.

Lilith felt herself blur in and out of consciousness, words jumbled in her mind as she tried to recall the conversation Liv and Kai were having. The last thing she heard was Liv shrieking before she felt her stomach turn the other way.Lilith's eyes widened before she slid off of the bar stool, running passed Kai, barreling into the ladies toilets before sliding to the floor, just managing to aim her vomit into the toilet bowl.

She regretted drinking, just as every other alcoholic lover would say as they wrenched up their dinner. She heard several crashes above her but before she could even frown she was wrenching up again. 

Everywhere then became quiet after that, deadly quiet. Thankfully her stomach had calmed down, enough so she could at least stand-up, swaying might I add, but she was still conscious enough to notice what was occurring around her. She stumbled out of the bathroom and saw the entire bar was empty.

"Are-are you kidding me?" She asked aloud to herself, clenching her jaw. "They just left me here?!" She shrieked, throwing her hands up in annoyance before gripping onto a chair, feeling herself grow faint. She groaned and wiped her face before making her way over to the door.

It was a chilling night, the usual for Duke. She rubbed her arms as the cops nipped at her skin. How can it go from boiling hot to freezing cold? She stared at the ground as she hurried along the pathway, making he way over to Whitmore college, her destination was to Charlie's dorm.

She heard the man before seeing him but before she could stop herself from bumping into him she already had, resulting in her losing her balance. Luckily the man had caught her.

"Oh," she said as she felt her stomach churn. "Thank-" she cut herself off as looked up, meeting a familiar pair of shocking blue eyes. "You."

Gabriel opened his mouth to speak but before a sound was uttered out Lilith had already ran passed him, high-tailing it down the pathway.

"Lilith!" She heard him shout from behind her. She slowed down to look over her shoulder and saw him stare back at her, still stood shocked, except this time, his eyes held deep sadness. Lilith shook her head and turned back around, walking away.


It was late at night when Charlie heard a knock at her dorms door. She frowned and shoved her revision books away, standing up from her bed. She glanced back at a sleeping Lilith as she walked over to the door. She opened it up, surprised to see Kai standing there.

"Uh, hi," she said, confusion in her tone.

Kai nodded to her before pushing passed her. He spotted Lilith in bed and sighed in relief. "I thought I lost her," he mumbled, sitting on the end of the bed.

"Uh, nope, she's there. Finally. I had to drag her ass to bed. She was going to sleep out in the hall," said Charlie, laughing as she sat back on her bed.

Kai smiled, forcefully, and moved up to lay on the bed. "Don't be loud or I'll kill you," muttered Kai as he made himself comfortable beside a warm Lilith, pulling the covers over the two. He kicked his shoes off, feeling the curious states of Lilith's friend.

"She said you were horrible at the best of times, that you were heartless and mean," said Charlie, spiking Kai's curiosity. "Boy was she wrong," she chuckled and went back to her revision.

Kai thought about his night as he waited for sleep to come to him.

He walked into the bar. Ow.

I'm joking.

He walked into the local bar, craving a drink. His mind hadn't even registered how the night had gone, all he wanted was a drink.

He sat down at the bar, waving over the bartender and ordering a drink. Within minutes, he had the drink in front of him. He glanced around the bar and noticed a boy next to him.

"Why are you so down?" He asked the guy, noticing the bags under his eyes.

The guy looked over at him surprised before answering, "I just saw my sister for the first time in four years," he mumbled, sipping what looked like bourbon.

Kai nodded. "Oh, right," he paused before finishing. "Yeah, I don't care." He grinned carelessly at the guy, taking a gulp from his drink before setting it down. Jumping from the stool, he patted the guy on his shoulder. "Good luck with your sis," he said before walking off.

Kai had made his way to the Lockwood mansion, after finding out where it was from sources and decided to wait there for Tyler. He needed to move forwards with his plan to merge with Jo. 

He made himself a glass of gin, sitting in the living room whilst looking at the door, which then opened, Tyler walking through it. "I think gin gets a bad rap," announced Kai.

Tyler dropped his bag and started moving toward Kai, but he quickly broke an empty bottle against the wall, holding the jagged edge against Tyler's throat. The latter stopped, noticing the glare in his eyes. "I'd rather not kill you, but I will."

Tyler clenched his jaw. "What the hell do you want?"

Kai smiled sweetly. "This is gonna sound crazy, but I want to save Liv's life. Feel like making a deal with the devil?"

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