Twenty two; cunning

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Love the Way You Lie - Eminem ft Rhianna

  And right now there's a steel knife, in my windpipe
I can't breathe, but I still fight, while I can fight.  

"Where are we going?" Asked Lilith, looking out if the taxi window. Everywhere was unfamiliar to her, she thought they were heading back to Campus.

Kai placed his hand on her thigh, grinning down at her cunningly. "Why Lilith, we are going house hunting," he told her, watching as her eyes widened in shock. "Yeah, uh, I'm not staying in a small dorm like that with your friends, so I'm buying an apartment," he said.

Lilith's eyes couldn't get any wider. "How can you afford this Kai?" She asked, her tone soft as she hesitantly placed a hand over his.

"I told you," he laughed. "They don't change their account password." He winked, looking into the rear view mirror, catching the eye of the taxi driver who had the nerve to check out Lilith. Kai clenched his jaw, glancing away as he tried to control his temper.

Lilith noticed this and looked at Kai and the taxi man suspiciously before squeezing his hand. She let him tug it away.

Soon enough, after a ten few minutes, they had arrived at their location. Kai had slapped the money on the guys chest before muttering curse words under his breath as he got out of the taxi. Lilith shook her head and climbed out after him, breathing in the fresh air.

"I like it," said Lilith as they entered their final apartment of the day. "What do you think?" She asked as she fiddled about with the fake flowers that were for show.

"Mhm, we'll take it," he said, a genuine smile on his face as he glanced around the small apartment in Virginia.

They decided to pay up front which had startled the woman. Kai claimed he was in a rush as he signed the details before grabbing Lilith's hand, yanking her out of the building.

"What's your problem Kai?" She exclaimed as she ran to keep up with his long , determined strides.

He stopped in his steps, letting go of her hand as he turned around on his heel, a forced smile on his face. "I'm sorry we can't catch up right now, we're on a busy schedule, okay?" He didn't wait for her answer as he turned back around and continued to walk along the pavement.

Lilith sighed, her mood turning for the worse as he whistled for a taxi, waving his hand around in the air before a taxi appeared. Kai turned back to her. "With me or against me," he tutted before getting in.

Lilith looked around, her mind racing before she made up her mind. She was with him. When was she ever not? That's what love does to you, it either makes you a bad person, or a good person. You'd take a bullet for them or you'd be the one to pull the trigger for them. It's a tough situation, one she found herself in often.

"You're worth it," she whispered next to him, muttering it aloud. Kai looked at her, his eyebrows furrowing as she grabbed his hand, playing with it as she took in a deep breath. "You're worth everything Kai," she whispered again. She looked up at him, noticing his eyes held an emotion. "I'd take a bullet for you," she said, running her thumb over the back of his hand before letting go of it.

The taxi ride was silent as they made their way to Whitmore College. All the way there Kai had been going on and on about everything that he had discovered. His new phone, the new style, his new skinny jeans.

"You ever worn skinny jeans? Agh. It seems wrong. I'm all bunched up. Also, why are jeans so tight when phones are so big?"

"I don't know what to tell you, pal," replied the driver, the frustration and boredom in his tone.

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