forty one; wraith

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Thank you to my bff Leah A.K.A midnightminho for the spectacular book cover, a round of applause and a follow for her, agreed? She loves making book covers so if you would like one, go to her!  

p.s. she's not a biter.

Narcissistic Cannibal - Korn ft skrillex and Kill the Noise

  Don't wanna be sly and defile you
Desecrate my mind and rely on you.  

"So, after that boring stuff the two of you just said," Kai cut in, holding his hand up. He turned to Lawrence and asked, "we can definitely get out of here?" 

Larry nodded, watching as Lilith sat on the desk closest to him after carefully moving the books. "Yeah, the power flowing through this Prison World right now must be exhilarating. All of us have magic on our side, it's perfect, we have the power to contact someone on the outside," he told Kai. 

"Right, we need the blood of a Bennett though," said Lilith, throwing her hands up in the air with frustration. "Just as I'm rid of her she always manages to creep back into my life and ruin it," she mumbled. 

"Save your midlife existential crisis for when we get out of this God-forsaken place," Kai snapped, clenching jaw as he shot her glare. She waited until he turned away from her to pull a face. "Make that face again and I'll cut your tongue off."

Lilith snorted. "Oh yeah, then I hope you're in for a life time of the worst kisses ever and no blow-jobs," she retorted. 

Kai, through his shock, turned back to her. "You can still use your mouth," he told her. He was aware of the other person in the room but he refused to bow down from an argument. 

Lilith crossed her arms. "Nuh-uh, that's not what Charlie said, it's all about the tongue, without that it'd just be a vaginal experience," she said. "Why are we even arguing about this?" She asked before turning to Lazy Larry. "Sorry about that."

Larry just smiled hesitantly, his eyes widening at the conversation he had just witnessed. 

"Wait, we can get Bonnie's blood," said Kai. "I remember Damon saying something about it," he mumbled before grinning. "Yay, you two stay here and build the Ascendant and I'll go get Bonnie's blood," he ordered before walking out of the room. 

Lilith frowned at his sudden leave and quickly followed after him. "You can't just leave me here with four blood thirsty vampire slash witches!" She exclaimed, grabbing his arm to stop him. 

Kai shushed her. "Don't worry, I'll leave some blood for them to have, I'll be gone for a few days, I'm sure you'll be fine, just stay close to Lawrence," he told her and leaned forward, pecking her on the forehead and with a cheeky wink sent her way he walked off, grabbing his jacket on the way out. 

"Shitshitshitshitshitshit-" she whispered as she turned back to where she left Larry. "Larry, he's left," she told him, her voice panicked as she looked between him and the front door her boyfriend had just walked through. 

Lawrence shrugged his shoulders half-heartedly saying, "I am sure he will be fine, he is an extremely gifted warlock, especially if he was once a siphoner." 

Lilith just watched, agape, as he threw himself onto the couch, a leg on the sofa, a leg hanging off as he slung an arm on the back of the couch. "It's not him I'm worried about, it's me, being stuck with three vampire witch things and you! I don't want to give you my blood, I wasn't part of the deal, I taste horrible!" She ended up wheezing as she sat on the chair next to the couch. 

"He said he would leav- Oh, he's already left," he winced, sitting up. He watched as the girl began to hyperventilate and held his hands up, shushing her. "Hey, you might taste nice so do not worry, plus, I shall tell them to be gentle," he said with what he hoped was a gentle smile. 

Lilith calmed down but she didn't look reassured as he wished her to be. "Okay, as long as you're there when they do the bitey thing, and I choose the order!" She gave a thought to Ruby Dribbler and cringed for a moment. 

Lawrence laughed as he nodded his head. "I am fine with that." He held his hand out towards the comfiest chair in the living room and smiled when she complied. "So, who would you like first?" He asked, already knowing the answer. 

Lilith mentally cursed Kai for his slyness, she was going to kill him, she was sure of it, or he was going to kill her. "Uh, you," she replied, shoving her hair to one side, tilting her head. "Be gentle," she squeaked but he wasn't listening anymore. 

Her blood was calling out to him, gushing at the vein in her neck. She smelt divine, sweet and pure as they came, never once tainted by any others. He was her first, the others were surely to be jealous of him, he was the one to drink from a pure soul after all this time. His fangs ghosted down her neck, trailing the vein. He smirked when she shivered and grabbed her neck gently but firm. 

"It'll nip but don't worry, it all goes away and pure bliss will overcome you," he whispered against her neck before sinking his fangs into her flesh, slurping, sucking and gnawing at the tender, pale skin. His grip began to tighten around her neck as she groaned and fidgeted underneath him. He never got this kind of rush with Kai, it was just a quick feed with the male, but now, he could feel himself becoming addicted to the scent and taste of her.

Then a feeling of death over come him forcing him to rip his fangs from her flesh and back away. He noticed her drowsy state and growled. He had gone over the limit, the other three would surely kill him for making them wait longer... Unless. 

"Quick," he hissed, biting his wrist and shoving it into her mouth. "Drink my blood, you'll get your strength back," he told her. He bit his lip when he felt her soft lips suck on his wrist before yanking himself away from her. "You, are addicting," he whispered. "I'll make sure they don't stay as long as myself."

He straightened his waistcoat, nodding to the recovering female, before striding over to the front door, whistling for the others to come back. 

As the other three bit into her, he was always there, lurking in the shadows. He felt possessive of her, he could feel himself wanting to rip his family from her and guard her. He eyed the nail marks on the wood on the door frames and gritted his teeth. 

He made eye contact with Lilith from across the room and smirked, watching as she was lulled to sleep on the couch.  


It was two days later when Kai came back, and he came back with fire - and Bonnie's blood. He was expecting to walk into a quiet house, or at least a smack in the face, not a doped up Lilith with a figure looming over her.

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