thirty six; daredevil

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Freedom - Pharrell Williams

  Who cares what they see?
Who cares what they know?  


Kai groaned, tipping his head back as he sat on the settee, unable to watch Lilith fail at his passion. He understood that magic was hard to learn but for some reason, she was not grasping at it. "What is wrong with you?" He asked her after watching her fail for the fourth time in a row. 

Lilith sat up, pushing the broken pieces of the table from her body. She shrugged, biting her lip as she glanced back at him, she felt drained for some reason, even she knew that she shouldn't be acting like this with magic, it's like every time she used her magic, it was draining her more and more. "Maybe it's because I've never really used it whilst on my own terms? Last time I used magic properly and effectively was when we went back to the prison world besides it's not even proper magic!"

"Even then, you were completely drained, emotionally and physically, it's like you're allergic to magic but..." He trailed off, his shoulders slumping. He saw her shoot him a questioning glance and shrugged his shoulders. "You'll get there, just practice more," he said, although his voice held doubt. 


"So you want to make up for everything you've ever done by helping Damon, Bonnie and Elena go back in time to 1903 where you will have to go with them?" Lilith asked as they grabbed their coats, the winter air taking a toll on them. 

Kai nodded as he shrugged into his coat, buttoning and zipping it up. "Yeah, you coming? We could test your magic out," he said before laughing as he noticed her struggle to zip up her coat. He shook his head but helped her. 

"You do realised that you would be walking into your own grave, they'll leave you-us behind!" She exclaimed, throwing her arms up in the air, knocking Kai's hands from helping her with her coat accidentally. 

He sighed but continued to try and zip up the coat, noticing that it was wedged. "Could be, but I need to start making them trust me, y'know?" He mumbled but Lilith was not having any of it. 

"Excuse me! What's easier; listening to you torment Bitchy Bonnie by apologizing every day or locking you up forever so you can't bother them again?" She threw up her hands again, her head falling back dramatically. 

"Stop that," he hissed, narrowing his eyes at her. He noticed she went to do the action again so he quickly muttered an invisible bind around her to stop her from moving as he continued to fix her coat. 

"I liked you better when you were evil and not crying after I flick you,"  she mumbled. She furrowed her eyebrows at him. "What are you doing?"

"Fixing your coat."

She sighed and rolled her eyes. "I'll be fine with it open, it's only a bit of-"

"Wind? And snow, rain, gust. Yeah-no, I'm not having you freeze to death," he said angrily and stressed, he yanked the zip up in anger and surprisingly it went along with him. "Finally."

Lilith scoffed and pulled on some gloves before exiting the apartment. She watched as he locked the door before grabbing his hand, the two walking down the snowy street together. 

"Do you have the ascendant?" Lilith checked as they passed closed shops. "I forgot to check with you earlier, too busy with you-"

"Shut it," he snapped. "It's in my pocket," he told her. 

Lilith frowned up at him. "What's got you all pissy?" She asked forcefully. 

"You. Damon. His mom. My dad. Everyone."

"But not Bonnie right? Because she's too precious," she snapped, letting go of his hand. She ignored his groan of frustration and looked everywhere but at him. 

"This is what I mean! Why are you suddenly against Bonnie?" He asked, his voice tired yet loud. 

Lilith didn't answer, instead, she buried herself further into her coat, stuffing her hands into her pockets. They continued onto the dinner in silence, with Lilith angry, magic swirling inside her and Kai tired, frustrated and miserable. 

Lilith ignored everyone in the diner and went to a table in the corner, not saying anything to the four others who were now discussing the plan closer to the bar. She took off her gloves and got her phone out, browsing through every app to try and keep herself distracted but something was telling her to look up. 

She decided to listen to her inner mind and looked up, only to see Kai sat with Bonnie. She glared daggers in to the back of Bonnie's head, mentally coming up with a list of ways to kill the girl without anyone knowing, but then she began to think; bitch, I want everyone to know I killed her. 

She noticed Kai frowning at her and rolled her eyes before looking out of the window. She felt hurt in some way, that he was beginning to pay more attention to Bonnie, she knew one day they would be parted but never this early, it took her nearly five years for him to open up to her and now he's shunning her away. 

"Think, Lily, think!" She whispered to herself harshly. "What grabbed his attention first? What did I do?" I was shy, well-behaved, I didn't argue back, I was timid, I was all but submissive, she thought. 

As she grew bolder, Kai grew quieter. 

She looked up when she heard a whistle and saw Kai nodded to the door where the others had walked out of, not bothering to wait for the two. She sighed and stood up, shoving her things into her pockets.

"Put your gloves on," he ordered her as they walked side by side, following the three others to the Salvatore House. He growled when she ignored him and grabbed her shoulder in a threatening. Without her knowing, he had slipped his hand under the layers of her clothes before pressing on the mark he once gave her. "Put on your gloves."

Lilith let out a yelp, clenching her eyes shut as waves of pain and pleasure coursed through her body, her knees buckling from the weight of it all. 

Kai caught her in his arms before standing her up straight, removing his hands from her body. "I still have power over you," he snarled in her face. "Once a psychopath, always a psychopath," he quoted before stalking off. 

Lilith felt her inside flare up at his words and couldn't stop the grin from spreading on her face. She quickly ran after him, slipping her hand into his as a sign of peace and looked up only to find him staring down at her intensely. She winked and looked away, at the back of Bonnie. 


"If you think it's cold here, it must be freezing in 1903," Lilith whispered to Kai as they watched everyone gather more layers of clothing. 

"Mhm," Kai hummed before walking over to Bonnie as she cuts her palm with a knife -to draw blood for the spell to travel to 1903 that is. "Damn, Crocodile Dundee called, he wants his knife back," he joked. 

"Yeah. You know, he's no longer a thing, and neither is that joke," Bonnie snapped to his face just as Damon walked into the room. 

Kai looked at Lilith and mumbled, "ouch." She didn't reply, she was too busy glaring at Bonnie. She stood up and walked over to the group as Bonnie dripped her blood onto the Ascendant, just as Elena walked in. 

She dismissed their conversation, rolling her eyes as they bickered. She made eye contact with Bonnie who looked away, raising her chin slightly. She jumped when she felt Kai take one of her hands, his other holding Bonnie's. She looked to her left as saw Damon's hand offered to her. She reluctantly grabbed hold of his. 

"Sangiema meam et nos mundo carcerema. Sangiema meam et nos mundo carcerema."

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