fifteen; acrimonious

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Anthem Part II - Blink-182

  We need guidance, we've been misled
Young and hostile, but not stupid.  

Lilith had kept true to her word and spent the night watching Kai as he dawdled around the house freely. She had to agree when he said it felt good to walk around without hiding. Then she panicked thinking that Damon might hear them but Kai had reassured her that he can't even hear them breathe.

"How?" Lilith asked but she had an inkling. Kai gave her a look. "Magic," she realised and shook her head. "I can't even feel it when you take it from me anymore," she told him, then she remembered. "In fact, I can't even feel the brand on my-" She lifted her shirt up.

Kai rushed forward and got to his knees in front of her, inspecting the sealed wound. "How and when did that heal?" He asked her in amazement, running the tip of his finger over the neat scarring.

"I-I don't know," she stuttered just as curious as Kai. "Do you think it might be something to do with me not feeling you absorb the magic?" She asked, letting go of her shirt but Kai had yanked it back up again.

"I do not know, but this, is truly amazing," he said, grinning down at his masterpiece. "No other witch can harm you, only my magic can cause an emotion within you." He looked up. "Would you like to know which emotion?" He asked.

Lilith nodded and gulped as his mouth rested against her ear. "Pleasure," he whispered, nipping the bottom of her lobe causing a gasp to escape her. He pulled back and winked at her. "Only I can preform magic on you, any other person who preforms on you will be directed to me," he told her.

"So, you basically own me now?" She asked she didn't feel angry however, she felt confused, happy, but most of all; very excited.

"To put it simply, yes," he agreed, grinning up at her arrogantly. Lilith rolled her eyes in return.


Lilith grasped her head, she could feel a headache coming on as Kai talked and talked and talked, saying, "And, of course, I broke into the Oval Office and took a picture of myself at the window, looking all JFK. But then, I was, like, 'wait- How am I going to get these photos developed?'-"

Much to everyone's relief Damon had chosen that time to cut him off. "Oh my god, just answer the damn question. How are we going to get out of this Twilight Zone?" He asked as he moved to the chair next to the couch where Lilith was sat.

Kai stared at them, he was sat opposite the two in the chair he had been previously tied to. He gave Lilith a demeaning look and subtly gestured for her to move away from him. This caused a confused reaction on her behalf, she was thankful Damon was too busy trying to get Kai's attention.

"I got a question for you, first. Why do you think we're stuck in a repeating loop of May 10th, 1994?" Asked Kai as Lilith moved to sit at the other end of the couch, this caused Damon to raise his eyebrows at her movement. "Doomed to relive a solar eclipse forever and ever, and ever," finished Kai.

"How the hell should I know?" Asked Damon as he took a sip of his bourbon from his glass, that according to Lilith, was permanently attached to his hand.

"Well, I heard you tell Bonnie this place was your own personal hell. I'm kinda curious why," he said, cocking his head to the side.

Lilith's eyes snapped away from the two as Bonnie walked into the room saying, "I found everything you asked for: can-opener, shower drain, grinding wheel, jam, pocket knife, volume "O" of the encyclopedia, a nail and a black marker." Lilith raised her eyebrows shocked that she had gotten all of the things Kai had randomly listed.

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