thirty three; antagonist

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Price of Freedom - Crisis Core (Final Fantasy VII) ( I CRY AT THIS SONG OKAY!)

"Hey," Lilith repeated as Alaric tried to shut the door, but she quickly put her foot in the way. "Wait, wait, wait."Alaric unable to stop the curiosity opened the door once again. "Look. I know you hate us, but I-he really... like really needs her help."

Alaric looked at the young girl to Kai, then back to the girl. "I think she'll pass," he muttered before trying to shut the door again but he left it open when his girlfriend, Jo, made her way over. 

"What are you doing here?" Jo asked, directing her question specifically at Kai. 

Said man glanced up with a small smile on his face. "I called to tell you I was sick, and you--you hung up on me."

"You mean I called," Lilith mumbled, hitching him up further onto her shoulder. 

"She called," repeated Kai, his head fall on top of her head for a moment. 

Jo rolled her eyes. "Because I have food poisoning. Did the sound of me vomiting on the other end of the line not clue you in?" She asked rhetorically, glancing at between the couple. 

"Look. There's an issue I've been worried about since the merge because we really didn't do it right. You know, the whole , "You're not my twin", "Hey. That's okay. Close enough" plan? It worked, which is, you know, cool. Hey, I'm even a little bit nice now in case you were wondering. But I've been waiting for the other shoe to drop. And, well, I think it's dropped because I'm-- Where's the bathroom?" 

Lilith squealed when she saw him crouch by her feet, blood splattered across her shoes and the bottom of her jeans. "Again? Why do you like doing that on my shoes?" She asked, before glancing up at Alaric and Jo. "He's been doing that all the way here," she told them. 

She smiled thankfully when Alaric shoved a bucket into her arms and crouched on the floor next to Kai, letting him slouch against her. She placed the bucket under his chin when began vomiting blood again. 

She glanced up, placing a hand on his back as she rubbed it soothingly. "We think he's defective, since he was supposed to merge with you, but, you know, he didn't. That may be why you're sick too."

Alaric and Jo glanced at each other. 

"So, could you like, fix me now, please?" 

It was quiet for a few moments...

Jo sighed but nodded, giving a look to Alaric before walking back into the apartment. Alaric glared at the two, before uncrossing his arms, turning to follow his girlfriend. Kai and Lilith glanced at each other before she helped lift him into the apartment, not forgetting the bucket. 

"Get him on the table," Jo ordered Lilith who silently bristled at the tone before helping him onto the table. She moved to step but her hand was caught by his, a gentle squeeze made her look up at his face. 

"Stay," he mouthed. Lilith smiled and nodded, leaning against the table as Jo approached them. 

"Any joint pain?"


"Any headaches?"


"Are you pregnant?" Lilith snorted at the question earning herself a glare from the man in question. She let out a chuckle, holding her hands up innocently. 

"Stop making jokes. I feel like I'm being scrunched from inside out. This is kinda private. Does your baby-boo need to be here?" Everyone glanced at Alaric who huffed. 

"Does yours?" He retaliated before adding, "I'm not leaving her alone with you, so deal with it."

Lilith continued to look at him for a few more seconds, narrowing her eyes at him suspiciously. She missed the small conversation only to be reminded when Kai, yet again puked on her already blood stained shoes.

Lilith backed away as he grappled for something to hold onto, i.e, Jo's arm, absorbing some of her magic at the same time. Alaric noted this as Lilith did, the former yelling as he yanked Kai off of him causing Lilith to frown and run to help him up. 

Kai grinned as he looked to Lilith. "Oh. I feel better."

Jo, stood in Alaric's embrace, scoffed. "Yeah because you juice-boxed my magic."

"Yeah, sorry about that. That was an accident, but I-" Kai cut himself off as he shook his body."-wow! I legitimately feel better. You need to give me your magic."

Jo blanched at this. "What?"

"He didn't have your maigc, your magic was specifically designed for him, his designed for yours..." Lilith trailed off.

"Just-- I don't know-- put it in a teddy bear or a bed pan and gimmie," Kai suggested, lifting a hand to Jo. 

Lilith watched as Alaric frowned reaching to grab Kai's hand, opening his mouth to say something. "Listen, I could just as easily break seven little bones with one good squeeze-"

Suddenly Alaric felt two hands on the side of his head. "I'm sorry. what were you saying?" He gulped at her voice and began to loosen his grip on Kai's hand.

Kai grinned, slipping his hand from the mans grasp. "I can see you're skeptical, Ric. Can I call you Ric? Hey, buddy, but here's the thing you need to know is that Jo only survives if I do, okay? And if that's not enough for you, the power that binds the prison worlds comes form the leader of the Gemini coven. If I die, the worlds collapse, alright? I see vacancy. Would you like me to start over with single syllables?" Throughout his talk, Lilith had let go of Alaric's head, once again returning to her passive state.

Alaric frowned, glancing at Jo. "Did you say prison worlds, as in more than one?"

Kai looked between the three. "Has no one ever mentioned that? Probably should've," he said before stepping away. "I'll let you two make a decision, about the whole merge thing."  


"Alright let's do this," said Kai as he stepped up to his sister, checking to make sure Lilith had stood back. He grinned when he saw her stand tensely next to Alaric before turning back to his sister. 

"Let's do this," Jo repeated nervously.

"Ahh. Me, our coven, and the prison worlds thank you."

Alaric cut in with a question of his own. "What exactly is this other prison world?"

Kai didn't bother looking at him. "A place filled with crappy people like me, I'm sure. Congrats. You're saving their miserable lives from Oblivion," he said to Jo before pinching her cheeks. "Oh, don't look so stressed. You never liked being a witch anyway."

Jo scoffed. "Shut up," Placing her hands on Kai's cheeks as she muttered, "Oribos turai manecsitus. Orbiem. Oribos turai-"

Minutes later Jo finished giving Kai her magic. "It's done."

Kai stepped back as she dropped her hands. "Ahh. Thank you. And congratulations," he said, glancing down at her. He leaned closer, much to Alaric and Lilith's suspicion, before leaning back. "Have a good life, Sissie, come on Lils," he said, holding his hand out to the young woman. 

Lilith, albeit confused, grabbed his hand, letting him tug her out of the apartment. "What did you whisper to her?" She asked. 

"She's pregnant," he shrugged indifferently. 


"With twins," he said sullenly before grinning. "Can't have that," he said, his tone almsot sinister. 

Lilith's eyes widened as she stared up at the smirk on his face before turning to look at her car that was coming into view, gulping heavily. 

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