Lie Ren X Reader: Steak Out

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Author: This skit was suggested by Apollo_cat

(3rd POV)

Ren stood in front of the mirror that was in his team's dorm as he buttoned up the last button of his collard shirt, wanting to make sure it wasn't out of place or he forgot one. Once he is sure he made no mistakes Nra slides over to him as she wraps her arms around Ren's shoulders unable to help, but smile excitedly. "Look who decided to dress up." Nora said.

Ren rolled his eyes as he reached forward to get some hair gel. "Nora please not now. I have my date with (y/n) in less than an hour and I want to look as good as I can. With that in mind could you bother Jaune or Pyrrha?" Ren asked as he put some of the gel on his fingers then put them under the water from the faucet of the sink.

Nora jumped on the counter in front of them as she crossed her legs. "But  why would I want to go talk to them when I am so excited?! You and (y/n), two of my best friends, are going on a date! I shipped you two the second you both shared lunch after she ran out of money and couldn't afford to buy her own!" Nora said rocking back and forth.

Ren then finished applying the gel to his hair,  so he turned the running water off and began drying his hands. Nora then began to move around Ren as she asked multiple questions not giving him a second to answer. "So what are you two doing?! Where are you two going?! Are you two going to kiss and get together?!" Nora asked.

Ren attempted to answer his friends question, but then then energetic hammer wielder gasped as she had stars for eyes. "Oh my gosh I just realized how much I love the word together until right now! Together! Together! Together!" Nora sounding more enthusiastic each time she said it.

While this was happening Ren left the bathroom to their dorm and saw Pyrrha doing her homework while Jaune was sitting on his bed playing with his scroll. Jaune then notices Ren walk past him as the usually stoic person looks like he is mentally preparing him for the date. "You OK Ren?" Jaune asked.

Ren turns to his male teammate and stops before him. "Yeah I am still surprised (y/n) wanted to go on a date with me when I asked her." Ren said. Hearing their conversation got the Mistral champion's attention. "Well I wouldn't worry so much Ren, she looked very excited when you asked." Pyrrha told him which gave the ninja boy more confidence. "You guys are right!" Ren said.

He takes a deep big breathe through his nose then exhales through his mouth. "If you need me I will be out with (y/n)." Ren said. He then turned around and walked towards the door and left while closing the door from behind.

Pyrrha smiles happily as she could tell Ren was more happy then he was letting on. Jaune smiles as he can only imagine what you and him are doing tonight. "So what do you think the two of them will be doing?" Jaune asked. "Oh we'll never know." Pyrrha said. "Oooooor will we?" Nora said.

Jaune and Pyrrha then turn to the direction of the bathroom to see Nora standing their, giggling all evilly. "Well... I guess we could... ask him." Pyrrha said feeling uneasy with that sinister look on her teammate's face. "No, I have something else in mind." Nora said as she walked towards her bed.

Nora lifts her mattress up off the bed springs to show a white board labeled 'cOuplE of THe dECAde!!!!' on the top of it with pictures of you and Ren on it. "Um, when did you set this up?" Jaune asked. "Not important! What is important is what we are doing!" Nora said. She turns to the board and points at a picture that had a restaurant on it. "Earlier two days ago I heard Ren make reservations at this restaurant, so we are going to go there and see what happens!" Nora said.

Jaune and Pyrrha are somehow even more shocked as they put down what they were holding and stood up walking towards Nora. "What?! Nora, we can't!" Jaune said. "Correct that would be an invasion of privacy during his time together with (y/n)." Pyrrha said. Nora groans hearing this as she stands still, but moves her arms and head around in a circular motion. "Guys come on!" Nora groaned.

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