Qrow Branwen X Tyrain Sister Reader: Decisions Part 1

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Author: I know I don't usually do two parts, but this was requested by reesescup10 who wanted this to be in two parts. I haven't finished part two yet, but I will release it as soon as I can.

Semblance: Aura Disruption, can disable a person's aura for a few minutes before they can access it again.

Faunus: Scorpion(Should probably be given if you are related to Tyrain)

(3rd POV)

You finished writing up your lesson on algebra in solving logs on the board for the students to copy down in your notes. "So when something is powered to the negative it flips with it being one over the number it would be usually without the negative. Now I expect you to remember this to finish up the homework due next class so no slacking off." You said standing to the side in order to give certain students an easier time to see what is on the board.

Not long after the students finish writing this they begin to pack up as the class period nearly ends. Some get up and begin to hover near the door wanting to be the first ones out of here to beat the hallway traffic, but you didn't have your eye on them as you focused on one student. "Yang Xiao Long, please stay after class. There is something I need to discuss with you for a moment." You said, freezing the blonde in place.

The bell then rang as everyone began to leave except for the member that put the 'y' in Team RWBY. She hesitantly made way to your desk as you closed your lesson plan. "Hey, professor y/n, is there a problem?" Yang asked while you sat in your seat. "You tell me Yang because this is the third time this week you were late to my class. Why is that?" You asked, pinching the end of your nose out of sickness for the amount of times one of your students does this.

With you having such an extensive history in this you decided to give Yang a little advice on her next move. "Now don't give me some lame excuse that involves your teammates because you all share the same classes and they get here on time." You said, gesturing to the door her teammates walked out of moments ago.

Yang rubs the spine of her text book out of nerves as her best excuse was rendered useless and nothing else comes to mind. Seeing this reaction you sigh and pull out a drawer of your desk to make a pass in case she is late also in her next class. "I can't let this happen Yang, so I will have to call your father and let him know this." You said, finishing your note then sliding across the surface of the desk to Yang.

This news makes Yang groan in annoyance and faces downwards at the slip you wrote for her before picking it up. "Do you have to?" Yang asked, stuffing it in her pocket. "You know my policy Yang, you arrive late for three classes then parents find out. Next time focus on classes then you do on whatever it is you do in passing periods." You said, pulling out a new set of notes for your next class for the third years.

Yang accepts the slip and then leaves the classroom as you sit there waiting for your next class. It seems you have something to fill the time as your scroll begins to ring. Taking out the scroll to see who it was and if it was someone you didn't have to listen to like spam caller, you see the caller id that makes you stop breathing for a second and wish it was a spam caller. Because the only thing more evil than them was Salem, the person calling you.

To make sure it was safe you looked around the room to see no students had arrived yet, so you accepted the call hoping to end this as soon as possible before anyone comes by and hears you. "What?" You whispered yelled, trying to give the message now wasn't the best time for a call. "I would watch your tone if I were you." Salem said in a clam voice, but you knew it was a borderline threat.

With the reminder of her being above you in terms of power you stayed silent to hear what the queen of Grimm had to say. "Why did you call?" You asked. "I just wanted to see how things were progressing at Beacon. You had been a little late in your reports as of late." Salem said. You sighed remembering how those were all brought on with you being busy grading tests and that didn't feel like the best excuse you could give.

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