Blake Belladonna X Female Reader: Dogs

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(3rd POV)

Cats and Dogs, the two of them just don't mix well like oil and water. This is due to dogs having a natural instinct to run after smaller animals that dash away from them. And with Dogs traditionally being bigger this has caused the well known knowledge that dogs and cats don't really get along. So imagine how crazy and weird it was for the Faunus that have attributes like these two animals or others.

Faunus are like humans except they have some part of an animal on their body, changing their physiology from the average person while also having most parts of the human body. They are the dominant species as there more Faunus than humans. You think this would make them the top of the food chain, but no, they are seen as below humans. They are this way because people mainly see them for the animals that they are part of.

Even if they have attributes of an animal that doesn't mean they are the same as that animal. You seriously don't expect people who are part cat to just eat a guy who is part bird do you? No Faunus get along well together like humans do and are just as human as them even if they have a tail or extra set of ears or whatever else that is from an animal. Even if they sometimes seem a bit stereotypical by doing things that the part of animal they are also does.

And one of those people was Blake Belladonna. She was a cat Faunus and like some people think she always lands on her feet, doesn't like it raining hard, and can be distracted by a laser pointer. Yet despite all these quirky things you still fell for her and she fell for you too. It didn't take long for you both to get in a relationship and the two of you were getting along nicely.

That is why you decided it was time to make a major step in your relationship with her and bring her to your house. You were ecstatic when she said yes, so when she asked about your house you showed her a few pictures of what it looked like and your family. Blake liked how big and nice it looked and your family seemed nice that she saw no problem, but her heart dropped when you showed her one picture containing her biggest fear. Your dog, Sparky.

"You have a dog?" Blake asked trying not to voice her terror. "Yep, Sparky. He was a birthday present from my late grandma for my 15th birthday. I love the little guy. Sparky will always be a constant reminder of my grandma that I still miss." You said, sighing happily at the thought of seeing your dog again.

Blake desperately wanted to change your mind or ask if she could meet your family somewhere else so she didn't have to be close proximity with the beast. But, hearing what you said she could tell he meant a lot to you and it was important she met him too if she is going to get in good with your family. Now she just had to find a way to deal with her fear of dogs. How hard can that be?

XXX Present Time XXX

(3rd POV)

The answer was hard. It was really hard. She thought she could handle it, but she never realized how scared of dogs she was until she tried to face it head on. She couldn't bear the thought of being close to the puppy, but still not willing to give up Blake went to her teammates for help. Blake asked what they thought she should do and each of them had a different idea that made Blake decide to try all of them.

While Blake did trust Ruby and Yang she felt it might be a better idea to first start off with the girl who would know more about therapy or at least look it up a bit before jumping to an idea that might be crazier than they think. This led up to Blake sitting on her bed blindfolded with Weiss sitting next to the bed on a chair she brought over.

Weiss looks over her notes one last time before turning to her teammate having full belief that this plan was full proof. "OK Blake, it seems you have a severe case of cynophobia, fear of dogs, so today I am going to help show you there is nothing to be afraid of." Weiss said. "How? It can't be that simple." Blake said lifting up her blindfold a bit to see her with at least one eye.

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