Oscar Pine X Trans Reader: Self Love

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Author: Just to clarify you were a male who later transitioned into a woman. Also this one shot was requested by Apollo_Cat


People say it is easy to be yourself. But these last few weeks proved it was hard for you to be yourself. Your true woman self. This was all thanks to an Atlas soldier verbally bullying you over the change in gender. He would say things like 'slut', 'post op weirdo' or any other words that came to mind.

Him finding out was by complete accident and unfortunate circumstances involving coming to the wrong room at the wrong time. Ever since then it was like this guy's personal mission to make you cry every time he comes across you. And every time this happened the insults kept piling up and your self love plummeted faster than a tree chopped down by a lumberjack.

There was an easy solution to deal with this by just asking Winter or maybe general Ironwood to get him to stop, but then you would have to tell them why he was doing this. This was bad as not once did you want people to know as you were bone in the wrong body. Especially one person. Oscar Pine.

You went to Beacon with team RWBY and the remaining members of JNPR back before you decided to finally accept yourself which happened a few months after your school collapsed. You got accepted early into Beacon like Ruby so you were obviously a little younger than everyone. During those months to try and keep a high spirit you got surgery to become the female you always knew you were on the inside.

Luckily they didn't seem to have a problem with you being transgendered and since you told them all how you felt then accepted the real you and never brought up the change. But they did later find out about the bullying with you begging them not to tell anyone about it. It took a lot of convincing, but you made them promise not to tell anyone, but they promised they will hurt the guy if he goes too far.

So because of this there were only two people in your group of Atlas visitors that didn't know this. One of them was Maria, but she didn't really mean that much to you since she was just an old woman you picked up along the way. The other person you were worried about knowing was Oscar Pine.

The first time you met Oscar was when he brought Ruby and Yang's drunk uncle to the place you were staying at in Mistral. It turned out he was an old farm boy that was now sharing a body with Ozpin because of gods and magic. He was really nice and got along with the others really well, but there was one problem with him being on the team. Since he was mainly a farm boy his life he didn't have much knowledge on fighting.

To make sure he knew how to throw a punch you offered to help him unlock his aura and show him how to fight since you had a weapon similar to Long Memory you offered to help train him when Ozpin couldn't. And after training together the two of you have gotten pretty close where it got to the point that you spent everyday together. And with you two being close you got to know each other pretty well and you noticed you had multiple things in common.

With you bonding over similar activities and interests you started seeing Oscar in less of a friendly type of way and more of a romantic sort. It was hard for you to realize it for a bit until you learned the truth about Ozpin and his host. Knowing that one day Ozpin would take over Oscar's body and Oscar would be gone. Thanks to your heart shattering of the image and tears spilled it made you come to realize your feelings to Ozpin's newest vessel.

With your time with Oscar limited you wanted to treasure this and spend even more time with which made the farm boy fall to you as well. You wanted to tell Oscar the truth of your feelings, but you were worried about what he would do if he found out the truth. You were worried he would see you as a freak. So this is why you began rolling with the emotional punches. That way you wouldn't be rejected or be disgusted by the person you love.

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