Yang Xiao Long X Shy Reader: Lyric Prank?

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Author: Who else, but Usernameunknown54 to make another request, not that I mind. Please read below the username to all the characters so there is no confusion.


(Y/N): The Greatest Person Alive

Weiss Schnee: Snow White

Ruby Rose: Petal Power

Nora Valkyrie: Pancake Demolisher

Blond Brawler: Yang Xiao Long

Blond Buff?: Jaune Arc

Garfield: Blake Belladonna

Deadly and Silent: Lie Ren

Spartan Survivor: Pyrrha Nikos

(3rd POV)

Ruby Rose stood over you waiting excitedly holding her scroll in her hands waiting for you to invite everyone into the group chat that is for Team RWBY and JNPR. Ruby sits down jumping in place as she couldn't contain herself, nearly burst in excitement. "Aren't you going to call everyone in so you can do what you need to do?" Ruby asked tying her best to calm down.

You sighed as you still couldn't process how Ruby convinced you to do this terrible idea. See recently you have been getting feelings for Yang and wanted to confess them. But, you were always shy and chickened out each time you built up some courage and lost after she made a joke or smiled or said your nickname, Baby. It didn't help that she playfully flirted with you.

Ruby thinks you and Yang would be a cute couple so she has been trying to set you two up as best she could, but you were a bit of a disaster. So after plans with flowers, notes and other stuff that failed she came up with this new plan. She believes the best way to tell Yang your feelings was by texting her about them.

You sigh as you look at Ruby then your scroll. "I mean what if she doesn't feel the same?" You asked, worried your crush might not return your feelings. "That is why we are doing a lyric prank! That way if she doesn't feel the same you can just say I told you to do so and it doesn't get awkward." Ruby said. Still though you were nervous to text this to Yang and see her reaction despite the back up plan.

You especially didn't like the song that Ruby choose for you, but you couldn't admit it would be the best way to describe you at this point. Ruby then grabbed your head and made you turn towards her as she gave this 'do it now!' look in her eyes. More scared then worried then you followed through with Ruby's plan.

You then got on to the group chat to see a few of your friends were already on as Ruby then soon got in to. With nothing stopping you from doing this as long as Ruby is there you only hope this will work.

*In the Group Chat*

*Petal Power and The Greatest Person Alive has entered the chat*

Snow White: Does it really matter what your username is Blake? 🙄

Garfield: My username is demeaning! Seriously who changed it! 🤬

Pancake Demolisher: 🤨 Mhm. I guess we will never know.

Deadly and Silent: It was Nora. 😒

Pancake Demolisher: 😲 You snitch!

The Greatest Person Alive: Everyone please come.

*Everyone was now online*

Blond Brawler: Hey Baby. 😘

Spartan Survivor: Hello (y/n), everyone.

Blond Buff?: Hey guys. What are you up to?

Petal Power: (y/n) wants to say something and I think you all will enjoy this. 🙂

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