Cinder Fall X Male Reader: Monster

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Author: This one shot was requested by Joey512

Semblance: Healing tears: The tears you produce can help heal people of their energies like a broken bone, bruise or any other small injury. It isn't as successful on big injuries like having your arm chopped off.

(3rd POV)

It was all supposed to go down so simple. Cinder would get help from two individuals whose power or skills would make them useful to her. Next she would get a Grimm beetle that would absorb Maiden powers from the fall Maiden and become one of the most powerful woman in the world. It wasn't supposed to go down with her only half getting half Maiden powers and her needing a whole new plan to get the rest because of Qrow Branwen.

Cinder then put a lot more diabolical planning in her next scheme to get the rest of the Maiden powers while also turning the world against each other. It would involve Roman Torchwick, the White Fang, Grimm, the Vytal Festival, and exposing secrets of Atlas. A factor she wasn't ecstatic about was the fact that Salem assigned you to watch over Cinder and make sure she didn't fail like last time. It was as if you were assigned to be her male nanny.

She sucked it up and persevered as it was fortunate for her any way you joined and were young as one part of the plan was to infiltrate Beacon and in order to do that she need a four person team. It was originally going to be her Emerald, Mercury and Neo who was the team, but you replaced Neo on the team. Cinder would consider this good since Neo wasn't exactly loyal to her as she was too Torchwick.

With the two of you spending time together at Beacon, Cinder and you got to know each other pretty well. Cinder got to learn how a sweet guy like you got involved with people like Salem. You learned how she sees the world and the people in it. And both of you got to learn something about yourselves. One of things you both learned was when you noticed how both of your heartbeats went off like someone playing the drums just by seeing talking to each other even the stupidest things.

Cinder didn't know what to do with this information. Ever since she was near old enough to be a Huntress in training she wanted more power than her opponents because she never wanted to be weak again. And yet being with you she felt... strength. Usually when people are around her she had them wrapped around her finger like Emerald. And yet she felt as if you were both on equal grounds despite not much other power.

You were the only person that Cinder felt like she needed. She made her feel things that did make her feel moderately weak and even though she wanted to be strong she didn't mind this. With this she felt like she had to get stronger even aster for not just herself, but for you as well.

Emerald and Mercury got a long pretty well with you. The main reason you got along with Emerald was because you were able to bring out a nicer side to Cinder that treated Emerald well. Mercury and your got to be good friends thanks to you like similar movies, games and other activities. You were pretty sweet to everyone in the group overall. Which could be surprising since you were having a hand in bringing down Beacon.

Anyway, around present time the four of you were able to trick people into thinking Yang attacked Mercury unjustifiably. Next you got Pyrrha to destroy the Penny girl, who was a robot and called out on the lies of both kingdoms which brought so much fear the Grimm couldn't help, but be attracted to all the negative emotions in the air. It was like a buffet of depression, confusion, and worry.

The Huntsman and Huntress and the ones in training obviously tried to fight back, but with the White Fang helping out the Grimm the odds were not in their favor and they got overwhelmed. Then we got a Grimm dragon to wake up and circled around Beacon bringing in even more Grimm. Seeing it was a hopeless attempt to save the school everyone knew they had to retreat into the city.

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