Raven Branwen X Reader X Summer Rose: Love Triangle

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Warning: This chapter is longer than others. I figured I should make it long since this covers two characters instead of one.

(3rd POV)

Raven and Qrow where walking through the halls of Beacon, Qrow with his hands in his pockets smirking while looking at his sister Raven who was holding a box of chocolates and was frowning from nervousness. "I don't know Qrow, do you think she/he will like this?" Raven asked with a slight blushing on her cheeks.

Qrow tried bighting his lips to stop something he knew he would regret, but started laughing makin Rave's nervous expression changed to one of anger. "What's so funny!? I'm being serious here!" Raven yelled.

Qrow then stopped laughing, but still had a cocky look on his face as he looked at his sister. "S-sorry, I just never thought I'd see the day my sister, the full blown bandit to star student would be asking me for advice on how to ask someone out." Qrow said making Raven blush again. "I-I'm being serious!" Raven yelled which advised Qrow to stop laughing.

"Alright, alright, alright. Honest opinion? I think she/he will like it." Qrow said. Raven then sighs as she holds the box of chocolates. "Thanks brother, it's just that... I've been working up the urge to tell (y/n) how I fell about her/him and I don't know if she/he will like me back. Especially 'cause of Sum." Raven said as she clenched her hand into a fist thinking about you dating the other girl.

Raven had feelings for you almost as long as she put up the charade to be a student at Beacon who wanted to be a Huntress. Raven and Qrow where sent there to learn how to fight Hunters so the tribe could have an easier time robbing and stealing places since Huntresses and Huntsman where the only real threats to the Branwen tribe. There time at Beacon changed the two sibling as they no longer wanted to be part of the tribe. Qrow was the first to want to become a real Huntsman since he finally felt free and liked helping people. Raven however was dead set on returning to the tribe and helping them. That was until she met you.

Raven met you one day during class and was taken back by how nice and friendly you where to her. The two of you quickly became friends and for something reason that Raven couldn't explain why she felt like she wanted to rebel and stay in Vale longer than just until she graduates Beacon.

The two of you always were able to get a long nicely. You two would train with each other, study, It wasn't until months after meeting you that Raven started feeling something in her stomach, something like butterflies. At first Raven thought it was food poison or some other ailment, but she quickly discovered it only happened around you.

She did tons of research about how you could be causing this to Raven when she found out it was something that some one feels when they have romantic feelings towards someone. She began thinking about how this could be when tons of memories of her time with you that made her do something she never thought she would do, but she actually smiled in public. After that Raven had actually been more nice and friendly to people that it even scared her teammates, especially Qrow.

It was at that point Raven acknowledged her feelings and has been trying to tell you ever since. "Well then all the more reason you should tell the truth." Qrow said. Raven sighed and looked at her brother. "You're right, wish me luck brother." Raven said running off to the locker rooms so she could wait until your class was over and talk with you.

She was unaware though that Summer was having a similar talk with Tai a few halls away, but from a different direction than Summer and Raven. "You think these will work Tai? You think these might be to cheesy for her/him?" Summer asked referring to the Ivory Roses she had in her hand which Summer knew was your favorite type of Rose.

"I bet she/he will think it is sweet." Tai said comforting Summer. "Thanks, I just heard Raven was planning to do a bit of a romantic gesture for (y/n) and I don't want her to get to her/him before I can." Summer said.

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