Weiss Schnee X Shy Male Reader: Shell

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Author: This was suggested by TboltOFA01, sorry I forgot about this. I was flooded with other requests and forgot. Thank Joey512 for contacting me through inbox or I would have never remembered. Also this is longer since I wanted to make up for forgetting this request.

Semblance: Hyper Velocity: Able to increase your overall velocity and allow you to go high speeds whenever you want to.

(3rd POV)

It was just an ordinary day for you as you walked down the the streets of Vale listening to music from the headphones you were wearing as you smiled along with the lyrics. "They is my family, they is my family. They might be crazy, but they is my family." You sang, silently. Your singing being so quiet it almost came out as a whisper.

You could have been louder as there weren't many people around who could hear you, but you didn't want to risk being too loud and annoying some people. As you continued walking the street you turned the corner to see the dust store you wanted to go to so you could make some more ammo for your weapon. Seeing there was no one coming down the road you crossed the street as you heard the ring of a bell that came from the dust store.

With your attention drawn to the sound of the bell you saw Weiss Schnee exiting the store with what looked like a couple of vials of dust in her hand. You were surprised to see Weiss Schnee buying dust from this small store since you figured she might go to some place owned by the Schnee Dust Company. You didn't know Weiss personally, but that doesn't mean you don't know about her.

It was hard not to know about the members of the Schnee family when they practically control all the dust in the world, but you mainly just see Weiss in the halls of Beacon during passing periods. Many people said to stay away from the Schnees since they are a cutthroat family, but you didn't know if you should believe them since you never had a conversation with one. But then again you don't talk with many people seeing as you are a shy person.

Ever since you were little you didn't make too much of an effort to get out there as you got nervous around people you didn't know, so it was a bit hard to talk with others. Still you could be friendly with the few people you interact with.

You were no longer in your thoughts when you heard a loud thump behind you. Curiosity getting the better of you, you turned around to see an out of control truck trying to get control while it was moving really fast. You gasped when you saw it was going to come to a collision with the dust store. To make sure she is OK you looked at Weiss who seemed to be frozen in place out of fear.

Noticing she wasn't moving you acted quickly by running towards her while acting your hyper velocity quirk to increase your speed and get to Weiss sooner. It was nerve wracking and scary trying to save someone from a fast moving truck that was close by, but you persevered and were able to run to Weiss.

Not wasting time you picked her up off her feet and then continued running, narrowly avoiding the truck that then smashed into the store, but then came to a stop. You gave a long sigh in relief for both of your safety before you looked towards the store and was thankful it seemed no one was close enough to be injured by the truck or any destruction caused by the vehicle breaking the front of the dust store.

Once you were sure everyone inside was OK you looked at the heiress of the Schnee company and saw she was OK as she clutched the vital of dust in one of her arms. "A-Are you o-ok?" You stuttered a bit, blushing about how close you were to her since she was still in your arms. "Yes, now please let go of me." Weiss said.

You instantly did as she requested as you lifted her up to stand on her own legs and then kept your arms to yourself. "I guess I should say thanks for saving me given I would have been hurt if you didn't help." Weiss said, brushing herself off of anything on the sidewalk. "No problem... min-I mean my name is y-y/n." You said stuttering a bit. "Well appreciate the help there y/n." Weiss said. You smiled at how serious and thankful she sounded.

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