Tock X Maria Calavera: Coffee

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Author: Hey everyone I want you to know for this oneshot the story is a bit different as this will be set up in a normal AU and not in the the world of RWBY. Why? Because this is my story and no one ever tells me if they want certain things in these and not just give a character with a semblance or family member or anything besides the name of a character. I know this is traditionally different, but I decided to try something a little risky and I hope you all enjoy this.

Requested by Dorksouls4

(3rd POV)

Maria was using her stir stick to stir her coffee as she had her eyes glued on the barista working behind the table serving coffee to another customer. This has been going on for a few minutes, but the barista didn't notice as she was just focused on giving everyone their food and drinks.

Getting sick of watching this display for the billionth time Maria's (Friend?) Caroline snapped her finger in front of Maria's face snapping her out of her trace. "Sorry, but if that continued any longer you were probably going to start drooling." Caroline said, smirking at how annoyed Maria looked hearing this. "Shut up! I was just looking at her!" Maria said pointing to the barista named Tock.

This attraction was something that happened recently one day when Caroline was forced to work with a colleague at work named Maria on a presentation about how they could raise the company's profit were they work. They were having a harder time coming up with any ideas so Caroline suggested coming here. She said this was always a good environment for her to go to whenever she was having a hard time coming up with any ideas.

Maria was skeptical of the idea at first as she just wanted to finish the project and be done with it. That train of thought came to a sudden and forced stop as she cursed herself for almost missing the chance to see this barista for the first time. Maria is a pretty straightforward person and just accepts anything if it is the truth. And Maria's brain has decided that Tock was the most attractive, alluring and all around enchanting woman she has ever met.

Not wanting to look away as if Maria was scared that if she looked away Tock was going to disappear this made it actually harder for her to focus on the presentation. Caroline tried to get her attention multiple times, mainly screaming so loud it was a wonder how Maria still had functioning ear drums or that Tock couldn't hear her and turned to face the two women.

They finished all thanks to Caroline doing most of the work which made the woman glad she no longer had to be with Maria. As far as she was concerned a bottle of water being poured on a matchstick you are trying to light would be more useful than Maria during this whole thing. Unfortunately Maria would always accompany her to the coffee shop they are currently in so Maria could watch Tock. She figured it would seem less weird of her to show up every other day by herself while staring at the woman who looked nothing short of an angel to her.

Suffice to say Caroline was getting sick of this. She just wanted her place back and for her fellow employee to leave her alone. With her being the only one that knew of Maria's attraction to Tock she would tend to use Caroline as a vent of how beautiful she was and how she wished she could just ask her out. If murder wasn't illegal Caroline was sure she would have ended the women torturing her weeks ago.

Maria considered to be quite bold as she usually said whatever was on her mind, but she didn't have the nerves to go up and talk to Tock. "I just wish I can say how those alluring kissable lips drive me crazy and are all I dream about now." Maria whined, taking a sip of the drink she ordered from the women of her affection.

"Then just do it!" Caroline nearly screamed. Catching most of the people in the coffee shop's attention Maria slammed her hands over Caroline's mouth so Tock wouldn't look over to the work pair. This was in vain as Tock looked over and rinsed her eye and tilted her head trying to understand what she was seeing. Maria innocently smiled at everyone trying to play it off and eventually everyone went back to their own things, losing interest in the position the two ladies were in though Tock was the last to look away.

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