Nora Valkyrie X Reader: Type

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(Back Story)

Nora Valkyrie is definitely an interesting girl at Beacon. One of the four members of Team JNPR, Nora is arguably the strongest on the team. She has a love of pancakes that surpasses any other person and their love for a certain food. Plus she can be so crazy that she can no doubt make people smile by some of the weird things she says, even if she doesn't intend for them to come off sounding like jokes.

You met Nora through your friend Ren, a guy who you got to be friends with after you both worked on an assignment Professor Oobleck assigned you two for history class. With you being friends with Ren this leads to you meeting the rest of his team, who you got along with pretty well.

Jaune might be a bit clumsy and not know when he has overstepped sometimes, but he was generally a great guy. Pyrrha was as sweet as you imagined, but also felt very pressured to fit everyone's expectation as the Invincible Girl, but you reassured her that you saw her for the type of person she was and not her title. The last person on Ren's team you met was Nora and wow... there was just something about her attitude and the way she acted that made you feel attracted to her. You never felt you were one to have a type and you still weren't sure what that type was, but you're glad Nora fit it.

Point being that Nora was definitely a complicated and a girl that you feel for. You don't know how it happened, but the hyper energetic and destructive girl acted in a way that just made you feel a type of love greater than anything you experienced before. This love felt so great you wanted to explore it more with her.

This meant you spent more time with Nora and hung out with her any chance the two of you could be together. With the two of you spending so much time the love you felt with her blossomed to an even greater love that now not only you felt. Nora also began to feel the same and with her mainly speaking her mind and having no sense of choosing words carefully made it perfectly clear she loved you, even if she didn't mean to make it obvious.

With her feelings for you so great and vice versa the two of you soon started dating and it was great. The two of you did all sorts of dating cliches together. You took long walks together walking aimlessly around Beacon or Vale, just enjoying the fact you two were holding hands the entire time. Going to enjoy a picnic you set up for her that had her favorite food, pancakes, and let's just say that the picnic cloth ended up stained and got sticky at the end. Not to mention the two of you fought over who pays the bill after dinner at a restaurant.

Yes both Nora and you did things normal couples did, but you didn't feel like a normal couple as you believed that you loved Nora more than those other couples. Nora definitely made it clear she believed that to everyone when she yelled in the cafeteria saying she was lucky to get the most loving guy in the world without an ounce of embarrassment, but filled with certainty.

This declaration of love and how she did it with a pancake still in her mouth that she slurped up after speaking made you laugh. This just made you love Nora even more than you thought you could. Yet, even after all that and the others you two did you were still trying to figure out what your type was and how Nora fit it. You didn't know what it was, but you knew that it had to be a good type if led to you loving Nora

(Present Time)

(3rd POV)

Deciding that she should do a little something to show off her affection Nora was walking through the halls of Beacon with flowers in hand she planned to leave at your team's dorm room. She was carrying a vase filled with (flower type), since those were your favorite, that had a card attached to the vase with a little love letter she wrote and a drawing of the two of you on a mountain of Grimm corpses that looked like something a child drew.

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