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Word has spread to the police about Amon's doings. The next morning, Rae was sitting in her office, waiting for updates from the council that was taking place. When Lin found out about Amon's abilities, she was skeptical at first. But when Tenzin confirmed the story, the Chief has been on edge ever since.

A door opened, making the Guardian look up, expecting her mother. However, Tarrlok entered the office and smiled, "Deputy-Chief! What a surprise to find you here!"

Rae looked at the man blankly. "It is a very big surprise for me to be in my office, isn't it Tarrlok?"

The man froze and dropped his smile. With a sigh, he walked to the other side of the room and starred through the big windows.

"I will conduct a task force meant to eradicate the threat Amon is causing," he said before turning to look at the woman, "And I want you and the Avatar to join me."

Rae looked at him for a moment before she looked down. "Did Korra accept?"

Tarrlok remained silent at first before he spoke, "I haven't asked her yet..."

Rae nodded and looked back at the man. "Then I cannot do anything," she said, "As Guardian of the Avatar, I will stand by her side whatever happens. If she accepts, I accept."

The man signed but nodded his head. "Very well..." he walked out of the office without uttering another word. Right as he left, Lin entered the office, passing him. She looked back at Tarrlok and then at Rae.

"He asked you about his task force?" Lin asked, looking at her daughter. Rae nodded but told the Chief she didn't accept the proposal.

Lin nodded and walked to Rae. She took the letter from the day before from the desk and pushed it into her daughter's hands. "Read it before he starts worrying and sends me letters!"

"Maybe he should worry," muttered Rae, taking the letter away from her mother. Lin frowned, looking at the young woman in front of her.

"I think you should take a nap," she said, "The lack of sleep is getting to your head..."

Rae shook her head and went to take the pile of files from her desk, ready to start working. Lin's frown deepened and before the young Guardian could reach the files, she slammed her hand on top of the pile. Rae jumped, her tired eyes opening completely.

"Go home, stay with Taiyo, take a nap," Lin ordered, glaring at her daughter. Her eyes softened when she saw the dark circles under Rae's eyes and the frightened look in her eyes. "Nothing will happen, go."

Rae nodded and got up from her desk. She still had the same clothes as the night before and the heavy metals of her weapons added weight to her body. She took the letter from Iroh and added it to the pile of letters from her cousins that she put in a small leather bag. She started walking to the door and turned to her mother.

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