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Tension Stress

Rae was trapped.

In a way, she always felt trapped. Because of her police rank. Because of the prestige of her name. But mostly, because of her title as Guardian. She never really questioned the feeling, only thought about it in her darkest moments. She loved what she was doing, she really enjoyed it. Helping the people of Republic City, helping Korra...

But never was she physically and mentally trapped.

There were times in her still short-lived life when she was physically trapped, either by the orders of her mother or by the lunacy of Red Lotus terrorists (a memory Rae swore to forget, even though the terrifying scars on her hands didn't let her).

But both times, her mind was at peace. She knew, one way or another, she would gain her liberty back.

Now, she was physically trapped, indeed. The United Force's guards stationed in front of her infirmary room wouldn't leave at any moment and Rae knew they had clear orders from their general to keep an eye on her every movement. But that didn't bother as much as what was happening inside her head.

The images of what happened at the South Pole kept replaying in her mind, like one of those things Asami called movies. She remembered every moment, every word uttered by Akeno. And she couldn't stop thinking about it.

She felt trapped. In her own thoughts, in her own actions, in her own mind. She couldn't escape herself.

Katara had treated her wounds like there were only scratches. Of course, the master didn't leave without scolding Rae like a child.

Korra often visited and told her about the problems between her father and her uncle, and about her tribe's worry towards the Northern troops.

Iroh only seemed to leave her side when his duties needed him. He had gotten a few weeks off from work, yet either Korra's father or Unalaq always seemed to need his help. The general was tempted to ignore them, but Rae managed to convince him that she wouldn't disappear in the short moments he was gone. They had yet to talk about the incident before his departure six months prior, and Rae knew it heavily rested atop his mind. She just couldn't think about anything else apart from Akeno's words.

It has been a few nights since Rae and the others got back to the southern tribe. Master Katara has finally finished her healing sessions with Rae and the woman was free to roam around.

"Are you sure you're feeling alright? No headaches? Isn't it too late already?"

Rae signed while continuing to fix her coat. She nodded, discreetly taking her metal fans, and hiding them in the long sleeves of the coat.

"I'm fine Iroh," she said, finally looking at the man. He stood tall by the door, leaning on the wall with his arms crossed and a deep frown on his face. He nodded slowly, still unsure of her answer.

"I need to take some air," Rae said, taking a big breath before scrunching her nose in disgust, "Your free to come with me."

Iroh gave her a small nod, the frown still displayed in his face. Rae gave him a small smile and leaped out of the room. Within a few seconds, she was already outside, admiring the night sky. It was for the first time Rae ever saw the colourful lights in the sky, apart from the moment the portal was opened. The stars were shining brightly among the lights, illuminating the usually dark sky.

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