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the Calm Before the Storm

Evacuation was mandatory.

While it wasn't before, the moment they brought the news of attack to the president, the situation took a dramatic turn. It took some talk to get the people out of Republic City, and only after Prince Wu proved his usefulness after Mako's catastrophe, the citizens started listening to the evacuation order.

It was the fourth day of official mandatory evacuation that people started to panic. The train station was filled with the citizens of Republic City, and the authorities were trying hard to get everyone out before they could block the railways.

Rae was standing on platform number five the moment the small riot started. She was helping a small child get on the train, his pregnant mother following him closely. At first, it was a small fight, two people arguing over something minor, but soon, it escalated. People were shouting everywhere; children were crying and everyone panicked.

The Guardian was fast to run up the stairs so she could stand on the elevated platform that gave view to most of the train station. She took the megaphone from one of the police officers and put it over her mouth, her free hand gripping the metal railing in front of her.

"Everyone," she said, her voice resonating throughout the station. The familiarity of her voice stopped everyone for a small moment, and most of the people turned towards her. "We are doing everything in our power," she started, not noticing President Raiko, Mako and Prince Wu approach her from behind, "to get you out of the city safely. But we cannot do our job well if everyone is arguing and causing panic. So I am asking all of you, from the bottom of my heart, to trust the authorities and calm down. We will get you out. We will get you to safety."

A loud screech escaped the megaphone once she lifted the finger off the on button. Most people cringed at the sound, but no fights broke again. The citizens were closely watching each other, not making a sound, their expressions scared and sad. But after a moment of silence, which got Rae quite panicked when she realized no one was moving or talking, the people started boarding the trains again.

"Well," started Wu with a smug look on his face as he walked to stand next to Rae, "it's obvious whose the population's favorite." He hit Rae's stomach with his elbow gently, raising an eyebrow at her and smirking before turning to Mako, "definitely not you!"

The man rolled his eyes and Wu laughed loudly. Rae gave a small sigh and shook her head but she didn't push the prince away. Raiko approached her on the other side and leaned on the railing, his eyes falling upon the packed up trains. Rae winced slightly when the beams of that night's full moon fell through the windows of the ceiling, but she ignored it and concentrated on Raiko.

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