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Turned out it was indeed Aiwei.

After they rushed to the explosion, they found Korra with Asami, Mako and Bolin, inspecting the remains of the house and the underground room. The teens told them about Aiwei and explain how the hidden tunnel must have been both his and Zaheer's way of escape.

Su was furious. She asked all the guards to search for the man and the end of the tunnel in hopes to find him. Korra expressed her anger as well. She wanted to track down the man's tracks and find him as soon as possible.

Rae did not totally agree. Hunting down Aiwei in hopes of finding Zaheer was dangerous, but even so, she wanted to do it. However, Lin was completely against, and surprisingly so was Su.

That night, Rae was pondering on Lin's words. They would leave for Republic City in the morning, and the traitor Aiwei would be long gone. The thoughts kept her awake. She was sitting on the side of the bed, already dressed and suited. She found one of her old cable throwers and placed it on her waist while the fabric of her arms was decorated with bendable metal plates. Her bare feet sat flatly on the ground, her boots waiting to be put on.

Iroh was sleeping soundlessly on his side of the bed. The two talked about the situation after Lin forbid them to go look for Aiwei, and the man agreed entirely with the Chief. And at that moment, Rae felt guilt eat away her soul. She knew Suyin wouldn't back down that quickly, she felt her heart skip numerous beats when she agreed with Lin, and she knew Korra would try and get Rae to join them in finding Aiwei.

When she felt four pairs of footsteps approach her room, she sighed. She glanced at Iroh and, with a small sad smile, bent over his body to kiss the side of his head gently. "I'm sorry," she whispered before rising from the bed and taking her shoes in her hands. She didn't put them on yet, knowing that the loud clang of her heels would wake him up.

Before Korra would knock at the door, Rae opened it. The young Avatar stood with her hand in the airs and her eyes wide. Asami, Mako and Bolin were surprised too.

"Your footsteps are pretty loud for an airbender," was the only thing Rae said before closing the door behind her. She took the keys of the jeep from Korra's hand and walked to the vehicle. Getting in, with Asami in the driving seat and Korra on Naga, they left Zaofu in hopes of finding Aiwei.

Soon the morning came, and team Avatar found themselves in a small broken-down village. Naga was tracking the traitor's scent, and it seemed that the man passed through the village. They decided to ask around for anyone who could have seen him. They entered a small tavern and Rae froze immediately when she felt all eyes turn to them.

"Oh look," said Bolin enthusiastically, "It's a mover poster! Must be Nuktuk fans, yeah! I should go over and say hello."

Rae sighed. "I don't think they are your fans, Bolin," she said while Mako grabbed his brother by the shirt.

"She's right Bolin. Those are wanted posters, and there's one for each of us, apart from Rae."

The woman narrowed her eyes. "What does it say?" she asked Mako as she approached the wall and touched the papers.

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