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And the winner is...

TW: Mentions of blood/Violence

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TW: Mentions of blood/Violence

As time passed, the Equalist situation seemed to be under control. There were no attacks, no apparitions of Amon on the radio. It was like he disappeared... Rae knew it wasn't the case. Even though she decided to step down from the taskforce (after almost putting Tarrlok in the hospital because of the incident involving Korra on the Aang memorial island), the Guardian was still spending most of her time at the station, trying to track Amon down by herself.

She would still attend some of Korra's training and all her pro-bending matches, along with Asami and sometimes Tenzin and the airbending kids. When Rae didn't have work, she would find herself on the Air Temple Island, taking care of Meelo and Ikki.

After a long conversation with Ayia at the beginning of winter, the Guardian convinced the old woman to leave for the South Pole with Taiyo. Katara had accepted one of Rae's requests over one of the letters she sent, and that is to give Taiyo a proper Waterbending training. Of course, that was only one of the reasons Rae wanted the young waterbender and his grandmother out of the city. The other one was the fear of Taiyo being kidnapped by the Equalists again.

Rae sat in a lotus position on the ground of the gym in front of a bench, where papers and files were scattered. She was completing some police paperwork while listening to Korra and the boys train for their final match. If they won against the Wolfbats, it would be their best achievement, having won the championship.

Her eyes switched to the small radio when the voice of the presentator was cut off by statics.

"good morning, citizens of Republic City..."

Rae's eyes widened and she dropped her pen when the cold familiar voice was heard from the radio. She rose from the ground and ran next to the table.

"this, is Amon. I hope you all enjoyed last night's pro-bending match... because it will be the last. It's time for the city to stop worshipping bending athletes as if they were heroes. I am calling on the council to shut down the bending arena and cancel the finals... Or else there'll be severe consequences."

Rae stood frozen between Korra and Mako as Amon's voice disappeared from the radio. She was shocked to hear his voice again after weeks of absence.

"That guy's got some nerve!" exclaimed Bolin, looking at the two women.

Mako turned to look at Rae, "You think the council will give in?"

Rae nodded her head. She knew Tenzin and she knew the council. When they had a thread like the one present, they wouldn't risk innocent lives just to prove the bad guy wrong.

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