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Unexpected Visits

Rae didn't have time to confront her mother about what she told her. Korra came running to her, yelling that Jinora was in trouble, and Rae followed as fast as she heard the news. By the time they got to the Spirit Wilds, Lin had already put in place a blockade and all tours and access had been denied, for anyone.

Korra, Mako and Rae approached Lin after she shouted some orders to her officers. "We got to get in there and find Jinora," said Korra to the chief.

"I don't think anyone should be going in there right now," replied Lin truthfully.

"I know I'm not the old avatar I used to be, but I can do this."

A vine suddenly broke loose and flung itself to them. The four bent down as the vine destroyed the small barriers that were placed by the police force before it retracted in the wilds. As they got back to their feet, Lin looked at Korra and Rae. "Be careful," she said softly, and the two women nodded before stepping into the dark wilds.

As Rae walked by the Avatar's side, she couldn't help but feel the way the Spirit Wilds had darkened. That morning, the sun was still shining through, even if the light was minimal, and the place wasn't as sick as now. The vines seemed to have grown, and Rae started to struggle walking with her metal heeled boots. The four called out in the vast area of nothingness, but nothing moved, or else Rae would have felt it.

Then, the woman froze slightly at the feel of a small move. But it wasn't human, it wasn't a few steps or a heartbeat.

"Wait," said Mako as he started to hear the move, "Do you hear that?"

The three turned towards an abandoned building but before they could question themselves again, three long vines surged out through the window and attacked the benders. Rae's eyes widened and she grabbed her fans from her belt, slicing through the vine that attacked her.

"Come one!" shouted Korra as Rae sent a blast of blue fire towards another vine that went her way. The three ran to the other side, forcefully entering a building and shutting the entry with a wall of earth before the vines could follow them inside.

When they were safely inside, Rae frowned at the low hum that the ground emitted. She turned around and her skin was met with a dim warm light. "What's that?" asked Rae, not understanding the structure that stood in the middle of the room. She tapped her foot on the ground gently and her senses were filled with weird images. It seemed to her like a tree with cocoonlike things handing from the branches. But what confused her most, was the fact that it seemed to breathe. The three walked towards it, Rae behind Mako as she was skeptical in getting any closer to the unfamiliar object.

"It's Jinora and the rest of them," said Korra, making Rae's eyes widen in surprise, "their spirits are trapped in the spirit world."

"Let's get them out," said Mako and Rae felt a flame in front of her. It sounded like a powerful jet of fire, but it soon disappeared when Korra disagreed with the idea of provoking the vines.

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