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Making war plans

"We have to go..."

Rae didn't budge. She stared at the ground beneath her feet, her muscles frozen. Her mind wandered to Jinora and how she was still trapped in the spirit world. She felt guilty for it, even more than Korra. The Avatar had to open the portal in order to save the girl, but Rae wasn't doing anything. She wasn't opening portals or even fighting dark spirits. And still, she couldn't save her.

"Rae, we really have to go," repeated Kya, placing her hand on the woman's shoulder.

The Beifong woman nodded slowly and rose to her feet. She didn't say anything as she walked to the bison, and her state remained like that for the entire trip to Republic City. Korra explained to her that they were searching for the President's help again, for which Rae only rolled her eyes. No words were exchanged.

When Oogie stepped in front of the City Hall of Republic City, Rae remained in the saddle with Kya. She held Jinora's body, the girl's head din her lap, trying to keep her from slipping. She heard Korra's voice and felt Kya move so she was looking at the scene below them

When Rae was sure the waterbender wasn't looking, she took a deep breath and concentrated. She wasn't a good healer, and her healing method was controversial but most of all, it was still illegal. Still, Rae used it, not entirely and only to sense Jinora's blood. She tried to search for any irregularities that she could heal and when she found none, her control shattered. There was nothing she could do.

"How is she?" asked Kya.

Rae shook her head. "I can't help her," she whispered, her hands unknowingly moving to brain a small strand of the girl's hair.

The waterbender sighed. "The others are going to find Mako," she said, "are you going?"

The Guardian shook her head, "No, I'll take care of Jinora." The woman nodded and helped Rae get off the bison with the young airbending girl in her arms.

The day passed quickly. Rae was already abord the ship that would take them to the south pole when Korra and the others arrived. She stayed with Jinora, helping around the small room as Kya was desperately trying to keep her soul as close to their world as possible.

Time flew and before she knew it, sunrise was already upon them. Rae yawned when the door opened and she massaged her bandaged hands, her eyes looking upon Jinora's body which lied in the small bath. Kya entered slowly and leaned on the wall opposite of Rae.

"How are your hands?"

"they've been better..."

The pain came unexpectantly a few hours after she returned from the spirit world, risen by the distant memories that surfaced. Tenzin's sister took notice of Rae's discomfort and helped her with the pain, but because most of the horrible feeling was a consequence of Rae's feelings and not actually physical, Kya couldn't help much either.

"You should take a few hours off," said the woman, gently advancing towards her and placing her hand on the Guardian's shoulder, "I'll handle Jinora."

Rae tried to argue, but Kya's glare made her nod slowly. She rose from the small bed and walked out of the room, closing the door to offer the waterbender some privacy. She walked to the deck, her hands crossed over her chest, and leaned of one of the ship's metal walls, watching closely as Korra trained.

Bolin walked next to her, an almost empty bag of popcorn in his hands. He hummed quite loudly and leaned next to Rae.

"Sooo," he started, raising his eyebrows, "how was the spirit world?"

The woman turned to him and frowned. "Wouldn't recommend it," she stated without any emotion. Bolin stood in silence for a moment before he nodded awkwardly and walked away. Korra continued to train, exchanging a few words with Mako and Tenzin from time to time. Rae was dozing off, her head falling in front of her, but the sound of the opening door woke her up. Kya walked to Tenzin and Korra.

"As soon as we reach the Southern Water Tribe, we'll blast through the blockade at the main port. Then we can rendezvous Tonraq and his troops, crash through the defense around the portal, and enter the spirit world."

Rae stared at Tenzin for a few seconds, having approached the three after Kya walked on the docks.

"Whoa," exclaimed the older woman, "since when does my little brother want to crash and blast through anything?"

"I'll do whatever it takes to save my daughter!"

"We all want to save Jinora," said Bumi as he walked towards them, "but I think your plan might be a tad overaggressive, seeing as there are only eight of us and one ship."

Rae nodded, "Bumi's right, we need to think with our brains for this one, muscles won't be enough..."

"Oh really?" asked Tenzin, his hands crossed and his eyes switching from Bumi to Rae. "What do you suggest?"

"An attack like this calls for strategy," started the former commander, "I remember when I was surrounded by pirates—"

The Guardian groaned and shook her head, closing her eyes and rubbing her forehead. "Not this story again," she whispered, not loud enough for Bumi to hear. She had heard that particular story many times, from both Bumi himself and Iroh, who would usually listen to his endless talking and tell everything to Rae when he returned to Republic City.

"I don't want to hear any of your crazy stories now!" exclaimed Tenzin, "this is serious.

Bumi didn't say anything, only pouted and crossed his arms, turning away from Tenzin. Mako and Bolin approached them from the other side of the deck while Asami walked towards the group too.

"Are we there yet?" asked Bolin.

"Almost," stated Asami as everyone turned to look at her, "but, I just picked up a distress signal from the Southern troops... There's a problem."

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