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Prison Break

The air in the metal cell was colder than usual. The vent above the door was spiting frozen cold air. Rae had reasons to believe it was doing so on purpose, because last time she was locked in a cell, the air was quite warm.

Sitting in one of the corners of the room, Rae's head was in between her knees as she tried to regulate her breathing. Using one of the exercises her old Firebending master taught her, she released a breath of blue fire, heating the temperature of her body. She was grateful her chi wasn't blocked anymore, but the cold made it hard for her to use her bending to the extent of breaking the door.

When Lin Beifong opened the door of her daughter's cell, a wave of frozen hair hit her face. She gasped at the coldness. In her eyes, an angry flame lit when she saw her daughter on the ground, shaking from the low temperature.

Rae rose her head towards the ceiling and released a big blue flame. Mako, who was behind Lin, watched her in awe, amazed by her control. She rose from the ground, her hand still pressed on her wound as the movement caused her slight pain.

"I should have taken those chi-blocking training classes Lady Ty-Lee offered... maybe I would have protected myself better," she said as Lin approached her. The ex-chief took her arm and helped her walk outside of the freezing cell.

"you can ask Iroh to teach you another time," she said to her daughter as Rae leaned over the warm metal wall. The color started to flood her face again and her green eyes seemed to glow.

"Let's get out of here," said Rae as she rose. Lin nodded and sneaked the four out of the prison. They walked around the city until they got to the City Hall. There, the five entered Tenzin's office.

"I have to go. Call me back the minute you hear anything." As Tenzin put the phone down, Lin and Rae approached his desk with Asami and the brothers behind them.

"Lin? Wh-wh-what are you—You should be in the hospital!" Turning to look at the three teens and Rae, he continued, "And you four! You should be in prison!"

Lin seemed unfazed by Tenzin's small outburst. "I figured you could use our help to fin Korra." Rae had heard about the avatar missing. The officers that patrolled the cells weren't very good at whispering.

As their conversation continued, Rae was silent the entire time. She was thinking of places Korra would be hidden. The underground tunnels underneath the city were huge! They had no time to search them all.

"I know where to start looking!" exclaimed Mako, "Come one!"

Rae hesitated for a moment before she followed the three teenagers. Before she took off, she slipped one of her shuriken stars in one of the pockets of her mother's coat. "In case there is no metal around you... small but great and bendable," she whispered.

"I am coming with you, Rae," Lin said, giving her daughter a pointed look. The young woman only shrugged. She didn't want another incident like the one with Hiroshi Sato and the platinum walls Korra told her about.


The oldest Beifong woman found the tunnel with Mako's help. They were walking through it, helped by a flame Mako produced. Rae also had a flame in her hand, but the blue color didn't give enough light to properly see.

The Guardian was walking at the end of the group, a few meters behind Asami and Bolin. She used her blue blazing flame to see where she was going because she was too far away from Mako's.

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