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"I'm sorry for being distant. And I'm sorry for not being there."

Rae's whispers muted the bird calls outside of the room. Using her Firebending, she ironed the dress Senna had chosen for Korra, for the ceremony.

After bringing the Avatar back to the safety of Zaofu, Rae had to leave to personally take care of Zaheer. Of course, it wasn't a mandatory task for the Guardian, and the White Lotus tried multiple times to make her back down, but Rae saw it as an imperative task of her status. The incompetence of the White Lotus, in Rae's eyes, was also a great cause of her decision. What she could gladly say, is that she had great fun with Zaheer, always enjoying the times when she almost melted the metal of his muzzle to his skin when he made too much noise or the times of boredom during the prisoner's transport when Rae found herself bending the small nugget of platinum she had and throwing it at the airbender's face.

The moment the man was taken off her care, Rae returned immediately to Republic City, where she was informed the Avatar arrived. Almost two weeks had passed since the last time Rae saw Korra and the present moment.

The first few words exchanged were tense, and it caused a very awkward silence to settle between the two women. Rae's thoughts came bashing at her head, and she started feeling guilty about the lack of interaction she had with Korra in last weeks. It wasn't the only thing she felt guilty for, as in her mind, Rae was the most responsible for Korra's physical state. If she would have handled the Red Lotus better and wouldn't have gotten buried by her emotions, maybe she could have helped Korra more instead of concentrating on Ming-Hua.

Korra chuckled, and it wasn't dry or angry or annoyed. It was quite warm. "You were right," she started, her tone dropping a few decibels, "What you said when we fought at the South Pole. There are dangerous people in this world... But you have nothing to be sorry about. I wouldn't be sitting here if it wasn't for you."

The Guardian exhaled deeply and nodded, letting a small hum. With a sigh, she stepped away from the dress and walked to the other side of the room. She opened the blinds of the windows, letting the warm sunshine gleam at them.

"Asami personally wanted to help you prepare," said Rae, turning to the Avatar, "and seeing that I can barely prepare myself without someone's assistance, then I supposed it would be best for her to do it."

Korra nodded, her fingers fidgeting in her lap. With another sigh, she stepped in front of Korra's wheelchair and kneeled down. Her dark green dress reminded Korra of the one Rae wore at the Gala Tarrlok organized the first time she was in Republic City, and the Avatar couldn't help but stare at her friend. Her long white hair was neatly tied in a bun secured with a single and thin kanzashi, but some strands of her uneven bangs fell and covered her eyes. Rae took Korra's hands in her own and tapped her palms as a gesture of reassurance.

"If you ever need me," she started, "you know what to do. Just reach out, and I'll be there."

The Avatar nodded and with a smile, Rae got to her feet and left the room in silence. She smiled at Asami when the young girl walked towards Korra's room and quickly arrived at the yard of the temple, where a large group of people were already gathered. Tenzin's family was already there, and they were blessed with the Beifong's sister's company, Lord Zuko and Iroh, both dressed in traditional Fire Nation clothes, and President Raiko. Korra's parents were missing, but Rae knew they would arrive any second now.

The young woman bowed at the sight (more feeling) of the former Fire Lord and his grandson, a small smile dancing on her red painted lips when she left them bow too. Meelo smiled at her warmly and ran to her before jumping in her arms.

"Not now Meelo," she said with a warm chuckle when the boy started playing with her bangs. She put him down and turned to Tenzin.

"How is she?" asked the President, making Rae's movements stop abruptly before she turned to him with a pout.

"Preparing," said Rae, clasping her hands at her back, "So it might take a while for her to arrive."

Raiko nodded and turned away from her. Rae smiled at Tenzin and Pema. "I will take my seat at the ceremony," said Rae as she approached Tenzin, "I have already spoken to Korra. I will wait for you inside."

Tenzin nodded and Rae walked away. She passed Lord Zuko and Iroh, and the general left his grandfather's side to walk next to Rae. The Guardian smiled at Lin and Su before the two started making their way up the stairs.

"What now?" asked Iroh, his hands unclasping from his band. He gently took Rae's in his own, brushing the new scar that gazed her palm, still not completely healed. His head turned to look at her, and from the corner of his eyes, he saw Zuko watching them with a glint in his eyes.

"Now," started Rae, her thumb brushing over the back of Iroh's hand, "I could use a little holiday."

The man chuckled and said, "I heard the Ember Island Players are performing Love amongst the Dragons again."

Rae let out a heartfelt laugh, one that Iroh hadn't heard in a long time. "Haven't seen in years, ever since we were kids and my dad would help us sneak out of the estate," said Rae with a sad smile as they approached the entrance of the temple, "It would be nice to see what weird changes the directors decided to put in!"

"I'll take you then."

"Really? Is it a date, General?"

"It is."

Their laughs died down when they entered the temple, an angry air acolyte glaring at them for making too much noise. Rae grimaced when he approached them and told them in quite a rude way to talk more quietly. They walked to one of the platforms and stared at the decorated temple in awe.

Soon, the room flooded with people, and Korra along with Asami game by their side. Tenzin was standing next to a hooded Jinora as the ceremony began.

"Jinora, come forward," said the airbender as Jinora did so and kneeled, "Today we welcome the first airbending master in a generation, and I couldn't be prouder of my daughter. When the existence of our people was threatened, when the Avatar's life hung in the balance and the Guardian scarified great things so we could be able to stand here today, Jinora never gave up hope."

Rae left Iroh's hand squeeze her own in comfort and, with a smile, she placed her free hand on Korra's shoulder.

"Thanks to her leadership, I see a very bright future for the Air Nation. Of course, there would be no Air Nation without Avatar Korra and her loyal companion, Guardian Rae Akemi. They opened the portals and somehow the world began anew for us. They were even willing to lay down their lives and even scarified many things, in order to protect us. There is no way we can ever repay them for all they've done. But we can follow their example of service and sacrifice.

So, while Avatar Korra recuperates, the air nation will reclaim its nomadic roots and roam the Earth. But unlike our ancestors, we will serve people of all nations, working wherever there is corruption and discord, to restore balance and peace.

Avatar Korra, Guardian Rae, I vow that we will do everything in our power to follow in your footsteps and bring harmony to the world."

Tenzin bowed at Korra and Rae, and they both did the same before he turned back to the crowd.

"Now, let us anoint the master who will help lead us in our new path."



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