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Super Spirit Weapon

The parts of the city that had been taken over by the vines were dark. The spirits weren't lurking anymore and the air was heavy and tense. The light barely shone through the Spirit Wilds, the vines shielding their ecosystem from any sunshine.

Rae was walking carefully around the vines, her hands caressing them as she paced. Her long hair was flowing freely around her body, her bands shielding her dull eyes from her surroundings.

The night before, the woman barely got any sleep. She tossed and turned, a killing migraine torturing every minute of her night. When the sun finally began to rise, she rose with it. After quickly getting dressed in some spare comfortable clothes she found (a dark red turtleneck and sleeveless top, a pair of comfortable black sweatpants and her leather gloves that only covered her fingers and two thirds of her palm), she grabbed her belongings, which consisted of her metal fans, her kanzashi in case she needed to put her hair up, and her metal and platinum plated that wrapped themselves around her arms like bracelets.

She took the first ferry towards the Air Temple island and woke up Jinora, barely leaving her enough time to wake up and get dressed before Rae dragged her in the most natural part of Republic City.

Now, she was alone amongst the vines again, waiting for Jinora to show up with Korra. Her headache didn't go away, but it wasn't as strong as the night before, and for that she was grateful. Her hands rested upon one of the vines, and she felt a familiar low glow emitting where her skin came in contact with it. But she was only transported with sounds, no images, and the weird wiring of machines wasn't enough for her to deduce what was happening.

"Are you sure you felt a disturbance?" asked the familiar voice of Opal when Rae was brought back to the Spirit Wilds, "Maybe you just had some bad food for breakfast.

The woman stepped away from the vines and turned to her cousin, who accompanied Jinora and Korra. "We're sure," she said Before Jinora could reply, making both Korra and Opal jump in surprise at her voice as she stepped away from the darkness of the Spirit Wilds, "there's something going on, and it's bad."

Jinora nodded at the older woman's words, "maybe something happened to Ryu's tour group. We should've run into them by now."

"There isn't anyone here," said Rae, bringing a hand to her face to massage her aching temples.

"Yeah, but it's Ryu," said Korra, a little skeptical towards Jinora's worries, "They might be at the mall for all we know."

"Korra," started Jinora, her worry evident in the tone of her voice, "Can't you feel how strange the energy is?"

"You should try to get a reading," quickly said Rae before Korra could reply, "I tried but... the only thing I heard was some weird machine sounds."

The Avatar sighed but nodded, nevertheless. She turned towards the closest vine and placed her hand upon it, closing her eyes. The same low glow shone underneath the woman's hand, but Korra quickly gasped and pulled her hand away as if something burned her.

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