19 - Sexy Cop

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"This is my favorite kind of weather."

You jumped at the sudden voice. Though thunder crashed loudly outside, his voice seemed even louder. Jungkook slinked next to you, observing the storm outside. He smiled softly. You watched as he took a deep breath in, almost as if he was trying to smell the rain that hit against your window.


Jungkook nodded. The lightning that struck the ground in the distance lit his face up slightly. He basked in the glow it gave him.

"It reminds me of when I was younger," he muttered. "I used to be scared of them. Like to the point that I couldn't be alone during one. But I remember my mom telling me something that changed the way I thought of them. 'Thunderstorms are just like us,' she'd tell me. 'Sometimes, we feel the need to scream or cry. That's what the storm does. It screams. It lets out all of the stress and the pressure that builds up over time. But what happens after you're finished? You feel better, calm. Thunderstorms are the same way. The moments right after a storm are always the calmest. That's nature's way of dealing with its own stresses.'"

You stared at Jungkook as he spoke. There was something special about the way he talked about his past. His eyes twinkled, the smile he wore was bittersweet. You could tell that it was hard for him to talk about everything he once had, but he didn't seem to mind the feelings that came along with it. And the summer thunderstorm outside your window added to the atmosphere his words created.

Jungkook turned to face you, the same smile draped across his lips.

"After that, I never saw thunderstorms as something to be afraid of. More, something comforting. Knowing that there isn't much of a difference between us."

For a moment, there was an air of silence between the both of you. You drank his words like a fine wine, slowly falling under the comforting influence that they brought you. The storm continued to rage on and you couldn't help but be put under a spell. It must be going through the same thing we are, you thought. So much change in such a short period of time. The rain pattered against the window harshly, thunder rumbling somewhere in the distance. The lightning lit up the darkened land, showing you the beauty that it brought.

"Wow," you sighed. You weren't sure what to say.

A quiet creak of the floorboards behind the two of you moved your focus away from the storm. In the doorway, Seokjin stood sheepishly with a hand raised to knock against the frame.

"Sorry, could I steal Jungkook?"

You nodded, sending the younger boy a glance in his direction. He gave you a small smile before following Seokjin back through the rest of the house. Once they left, you realized just how quiet it was. It seemed that the weather set a certain mood throughout the entire house, not one other person could be heard over the faint sounds of the wind and the rain.

It left you to easily slip into your thoughts. For as long as you could remember, thunderstorms weren't your friend. Though, neither were they your enemy. You didn't find comfort in the rain like Jungkook, but you were never really scared of them. It was an odd thing to think about; Jungkook's words. Could you eventually find the comfort in the storm like he had?


"Fresh food coming through!"

You entered the dining area with a large plate of a variety of fruits and vegetables from the garden. You and Seokjin had gotten lucky, the growing season producing mouth-watering produce. You watched as the boys eyed the plate closely, ready to reach for whatever they could once you set it down. You teased them, holding it just above the tabletop. They whined, sending you impatient looks as you glanced around the table. Carefully, you set the plate down. They wait a moment for you to step back slightly before digging in. Hands flew across the table as fast as possible to keep from missing out on anything.

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