3 - Just a couple of rats

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"Dude, shut up. I don't wanna attract them." A hushed whisper was heard from behind the front door.

The lights in the house were all off. You sat in the dark as you took watch that night. It had been mostly quiet, save for the approaching storm that was coming your way. After months on the road with no apps or news stations to tell you what the weather would be for the next week, you had to rely on simple weather patterns. There was a storm coming soon, from the wind and the slight smell of rain in the distance. Although, you didn't know how bad it would be. That was one of the main problems you would have soon.

Now, you had to worry about the people who were about to find shelter in an already occupied home. You decided to stand from the couch and make your way quietly around the corner towards the kitchen. With a knife in hand, you waited.

A knock sounded on the door. You stayed as quiet as you could.

The door opened. From your spot in the kitchen, you saw two figures move in the dark, both looked to be male. The shorter one seemed around your height, the other had quite a few inches on him.

You weren't quite sure what to do. You knew that you had to defend yourself from these intruders, but it was two against one. Plus, who knows how much experience they have fighting people.

"You check out the rest of the place. I'll keep watch," the shorter male directed.

Before either one could move further, you stepped out from your hiding spot. You held your knife directly in front of you, almost like you would a gun.


You watched as their heads snapped towards your location. They, too, raised their weapons in defense. It only took a couple of seconds before the smaller one guffawed.

"Who are you? Why are you here?"

"I should be asking you. Don't you know it's impolite to intrude in someone else's space?" You tried to keep your voice low. You didn't want to wake up the two boys sleeping in the rooms down the hallway from where you stood.


The taller male reached into his large backpack to pull out said object. He handed it to the other before it was turned on right into your eyes. You held your position as best you could after being blinded. LED flashlights were a lot brighter than you remembered.

"Intrude? I think you're the one that's entered someone else's space. This is our house."

Your arms dropped. His statement confused you. They've been living here? Then why does it look like it hasn't been touched for years?

"Maybe cause we're not slobs?"

You said that out loud didn't you?

You quickly brought your arms back into their previous position in front of you. The light hitting your face started to feel warm. If he didn't move that light in the next few seconds, you were going to do something about it. What that something was, you weren't quite sure just yet. Luckily for you, the guy moved the flashlight off your face and towards the ground.

The light that hit the floor lit up the room just enough for you to see their faces. You wondered how old they were. They seemed like they were fairly young with their softer facial features. Though, the shorter one seemed a lot more intimidating now that you could see his stare.

"Y/N? What's going on?" Hoseok's gruff voice startled you.

His body leaned out from the doorway. With the minimal lighting, you could see that he was still half asleep. You thanked every living thing that he wasn't awake enough to come all the way to you.

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